Xbee Experience ?
As detailed in a previous thread, I would like to monitor the activity of approximately a dozen meters throughout our department. Lantronix Xport Pro devices attached to our wired network were to provide "virtual comm" port interfaces for software to interrogate on a local PC. A Propeller would be attached to each Xport via its UART Tx & Rx lines.
In search of a means to remotely upgrade Propeller firmware, I stumbled across Phil Philgrim's Xbee Loader application. Unfortunately, his software required use of actual Xbee transceivers and would not work unaltered with my Xport application.
The more I learned about the Xbee wireless product, with its self-healing personal area network and its typical 140' indoor range, it seemed that this approach would offer a far easier path to success. The need to combat local bureaucracy for access to physical network ports would be eliminated.
I would be operating at only 9600 baud (for compatibility with the Xbee Soft Loader application) and intend (at this stage) to utilize the 802.15.4 63mW Xbee Pros with wire antenna ( Parallax #32407, XBP24-AWI-001). I was hoping to learn from those with experience with the Xbee before I order the development boards:
1) Have you been satisfied with the overall reliability of the Xbee ? We have rebar reinforced concrete between floors, but typically well under 100' separation between individual Xbees.
2) I noticed that the Xbee utilizes 2.4 GHz spectrum. Our local bureaucracy maintains tight control over wireless networking technology, partially I'm sure for security purposes, but also for monopolistic financial gain (each new physical port has a $700 price tag, and a monthly fee to boot ) . How much of a low-profile RF signature does the Xbee maintain ?
a) Is it easily detectable by ordinary 802.11 wireless network routers ?
b) Is the DSSS transmission mode of Xbee distinct from what the 802.11 network utilizes ?
c) What precautions can be taken (sleep mode,etc) to minimize its likelihood of interference with 802.11 operation or detection by "sniffer" technology ?
3) How difficult is it (out of the box) to implement a PAN network, where a distant node on the network can communicate with another by way of the message skipping or hopping from node to node from source to destination Xbee? I would like to have software running on a Windows PC communicating with a USB-powered Xbee board, and it, in turn, "talking" to all the other Xbees (relaying the data from unit to unit as necessary in a transparent manner). Are there some resources (web links) which provide a quick introduction to PAN network configuration and initialization ? I would like to deploy the Xbees in just a few weeks and so lack the time for in depth investigation of all the technical details (that can come later ! ).
In search of a means to remotely upgrade Propeller firmware, I stumbled across Phil Philgrim's Xbee Loader application. Unfortunately, his software required use of actual Xbee transceivers and would not work unaltered with my Xport application.
The more I learned about the Xbee wireless product, with its self-healing personal area network and its typical 140' indoor range, it seemed that this approach would offer a far easier path to success. The need to combat local bureaucracy for access to physical network ports would be eliminated.
I would be operating at only 9600 baud (for compatibility with the Xbee Soft Loader application) and intend (at this stage) to utilize the 802.15.4 63mW Xbee Pros with wire antenna ( Parallax #32407, XBP24-AWI-001). I was hoping to learn from those with experience with the Xbee before I order the development boards:
1) Have you been satisfied with the overall reliability of the Xbee ? We have rebar reinforced concrete between floors, but typically well under 100' separation between individual Xbees.
2) I noticed that the Xbee utilizes 2.4 GHz spectrum. Our local bureaucracy maintains tight control over wireless networking technology, partially I'm sure for security purposes, but also for monopolistic financial gain (each new physical port has a $700 price tag, and a monthly fee to boot ) . How much of a low-profile RF signature does the Xbee maintain ?
a) Is it easily detectable by ordinary 802.11 wireless network routers ?
b) Is the DSSS transmission mode of Xbee distinct from what the 802.11 network utilizes ?
c) What precautions can be taken (sleep mode,etc) to minimize its likelihood of interference with 802.11 operation or detection by "sniffer" technology ?
3) How difficult is it (out of the box) to implement a PAN network, where a distant node on the network can communicate with another by way of the message skipping or hopping from node to node from source to destination Xbee? I would like to have software running on a Windows PC communicating with a USB-powered Xbee board, and it, in turn, "talking" to all the other Xbees (relaying the data from unit to unit as necessary in a transparent manner). Are there some resources (web links) which provide a quick introduction to PAN network configuration and initialization ? I would like to deploy the Xbees in just a few weeks and so lack the time for in depth investigation of all the technical details (that can come later ! ).
I'm not sure if you know there are different series of XBees. I think Series 1 are easier to get up and running out of the box. I think Series 2 have more features. I think your desire to have messages hopping from node to node is not something that the XBees do right out of the box. Series 1 and Series 2 can't communicate with each other.
You might want to give the XBee tech support people a call. I've called them a couple of times and they were very helpful.
I found the XBee's behave better with pull-up resistors (I used 10k) on the communication lines.
My newest XBee's say "Digi International" on them. It might help you find their website.
I don't have their phone number of website information handy but I'm sure I could find it if you'd like me to.
I'm curious who the "local bureaucracy" is. I understand if you'd rather not say.
Good luck and I'm willing to help if I can. I'm afraid I just don't have much experience myself.
If you do choose to use Series 2 XBees (most of mine are Series 2), I can share the code I've written for the Propeller, if you think it might help.