3D Designer for hire: Logos, product simulations, avatars, animations, etc.
Posts: 2,461
I am now offering a service that I have seen asked for multiple times on this forum: 3D design work. Recently I have become better at this and have designed my cool avatar for this forum in this way. I am offering a SIMPLE 3D design service capable of producing things like this logo: http://microcontrolled.com/MicrocontrolledBanner.png
And simple Product Simulation Animations. (I have no current examples)
The problem is I don't know what to charge for this service. Professionals cost hundreds of dollars, but I'll charge a little less. Here is my pricing:
Still Image Design (Logos, Avatars, etc.) - $20 - $60
Animation Design (Product Simulation, Video logo intros, etc.) - $40 - $150
IF YOU THINK THESE PRICES ARE NOT JUSTIFIED, let me know about it and I will negotiate. Here is a simple chart of what makes things more expensive.
What makes it more expensive
- Design time is key. The more complicated the design, the more it will cost
- Render time is how long it takes the computer to generate the finished image. This is a key price effector in animations. For still images I use a very high-quality external render engine (rather then the built in one) called LuxRender. This cycles the CPU and makes the image more refined and realistic, meaning the longer it works, the better the image. This is no concern for me because I can pause the process at any time if I need to use my computer. HOWEVER, animations use the internal rendering engine, which consumes the entire PC. The longer the animation, the longer the render time, and the larger the cost. A 30 second long animation could take over 2 days or as little as a few minutes to render depending on certain parameters of the 3D design.
- Characters add a large amount of cost to any still or animation design. Animations will especially be effected by this because a full armature and rigging must be applied, which is a long and tedious process. The only exception to this is RoboMan, a character I designed a while back who is free to add to any animation or still image.
- Curves are tricky to make in a 3D landscape, so an excess of them will result in a higher cost.
- Clay Renders are images void of color. Requesting a clay render will greatly lessen the cost of any animation.
If you are interested in this service, or would like to request a quote, please contact me: info@microcontrolled.com
If you have any comments, questions, or sample requests please leave them below.
I am now offering a service that I have seen asked for multiple times on this forum: 3D design work. Recently I have become better at this and have designed my cool avatar for this forum in this way. I am offering a SIMPLE 3D design service capable of producing things like this logo: http://microcontrolled.com/MicrocontrolledBanner.png
And simple Product Simulation Animations. (I have no current examples)
The problem is I don't know what to charge for this service. Professionals cost hundreds of dollars, but I'll charge a little less. Here is my pricing:
Still Image Design (Logos, Avatars, etc.) - $20 - $60
Animation Design (Product Simulation, Video logo intros, etc.) - $40 - $150
IF YOU THINK THESE PRICES ARE NOT JUSTIFIED, let me know about it and I will negotiate. Here is a simple chart of what makes things more expensive.
What makes it more expensive
- Design time is key. The more complicated the design, the more it will cost
- Render time is how long it takes the computer to generate the finished image. This is a key price effector in animations. For still images I use a very high-quality external render engine (rather then the built in one) called LuxRender. This cycles the CPU and makes the image more refined and realistic, meaning the longer it works, the better the image. This is no concern for me because I can pause the process at any time if I need to use my computer. HOWEVER, animations use the internal rendering engine, which consumes the entire PC. The longer the animation, the longer the render time, and the larger the cost. A 30 second long animation could take over 2 days or as little as a few minutes to render depending on certain parameters of the 3D design.
- Characters add a large amount of cost to any still or animation design. Animations will especially be effected by this because a full armature and rigging must be applied, which is a long and tedious process. The only exception to this is RoboMan, a character I designed a while back who is free to add to any animation or still image.
- Curves are tricky to make in a 3D landscape, so an excess of them will result in a higher cost.
- Clay Renders are images void of color. Requesting a clay render will greatly lessen the cost of any animation.
If you are interested in this service, or would like to request a quote, please contact me: info@microcontrolled.com
If you have any comments, questions, or sample requests please leave them below.
I think your prices are very reasonable -- if not downright cheap. But you do what you have to do to get your foot in the door. Good luck with your new venture!
I've been trying to come up with a new Catalina logo. I'd happily pay you to design a 3D one. I like the clean simplicity of my current logo (it's based on the classic "C Language" logo found in various places - e.g. here). But I'd really like to incorporate an image of an actual Catalina aircraft somehow. I like the Catalina because it looks like one of the slowest and most ungainly contraptions ever designed (e.g. see here) - but in fact it's perfectly suited to its job .
I just can't seem to come up with a good idea for marrying the two together!
If you're interested, send me a PM.
Ironically in Chinese, the phrase for knocking down a price sounds exactly the same as "kill the family".
Are you sure? I once saw a documentary about some guys flying a Catalina out of Egypt or some place. The thing could hardly get into the air:)
Mind you I've always liked the lines of the Catalina.
That's the point - the Catalina was used for missions where it's ability to fly very low (basically, skimming the water) and very slow (I think it's one of the slowest aircraft still flying) were positive advantages!
The "blackcats" (black livery) were used for nightime raids against shipping, and I think the "whitecats" (white livery) were used for rescuing survivors of sunk ships and also downed airmen.
BTW - that's why Bob Anderson's debugger is called 'blackcat'. He finished his first - but I then decided to call mine 'blackbox' because it sounded more 'aeronautical' than 'whitecat'.
Ken Gracey
Haaah...I get it now, an aircraft designed to not fly and do it slowly. Perhaps the Zog and Catalina projects should swap names:)
I never knew there was meaning to the name - very clever!
@Ken: Thanks!!
Just ot of curiosity, which modeling and rendering tools do you use?
I was inside one of these old planes once.
I went on a trip to Florida with my Grandparents in their motor home.
We stopped in Alabama to tour an old navy battleship and there were
some planes on display next to the ship. My grandpa got someone to let
us on the biggest one, I'm pretty certain it was a Catalina, it's pretty big
inside...but also very ugly in there :-)
That looks really good micro :-)
That's very cool. Amazing that you can do it so quickly! The main problem I have with the Catalina is that it never looks very good (or even recognizable) in a small logo. As I said in my PM, if we end up not being able to include it then so be it.
It's sure to be more recognizable than this
or this
Catalina has a spooky runway to land on.
I wonder if the Catalina plane was named after the island?
Yes, apparently it was - http://www.uswarplanes.net/aircraftnames.html
@Phil: I always think of salad whenever I see the threads on Catalina. :-) I wonder why the bottle says it twice?.....
I've named my software after a Salad Dressing??? Aaarrgghh!!!
@RossH: I like your analogy with the aircraft better, I always thought you named it that because your software made something usually bitter delicious to use..... (Joke! I like SPIN way better than C)
It's grainy because I didn't wait for it to refine.....
Well, waddya know! I never realized I could speak Spanish!
Hasta la vista, baby!
I'm now available for another job should someone have one. I'm trying to get more "Electronics money" and you know I'm getting desperate when I'm offering 3D work rather than consulting or something.
I can wholeheartedly recommend Microcontrolled's work. I'm still finalizing the way I want the final Catalina logo to appear, but it will definitely be included in the next release of Catalina.
So, let's see it!
@Micro: Nice 3D rendering. What software are you using?
Are you using Drupal for your personal web site? And if you are using Drupal, do your services include Drupal-related work such as page creation and development of navigational structures?
Ken Gracey
@potatohead: I use Blender for the modeling and LuxRender for the rendering, both open-source and free. I've been honing my Blender skills slowly over the last year, while I was in-between real projects (electronics and microcontrollers). However I originally learned it for CAD.
(psst! logo is here: http://microcontrolled.com/CatalinaLogo5modified.png )
I'll take it down soon, though