UPEW Raises $2000 for American Red Cross - check copy attached

Hey all,
Funny thing about UPEW is that nobody (OBC, the kids and myself) wants to carry around loads of cash we collect from selling raffle tickets. Even though everybody is trusted, the thought of being responsible for a large amount of cash always makes people a bit nervous. This is why accountants always have a double-checked or three-way system for managing money.
Accountants don't come to UPEW.
So, I wound up with the job of collecting cash so I get to explain the "discrepancy" from my single-person accounting practice used last Saturday. I don't know if anybody cares or not, but those at UPEW will remember that I wrote numbers on the whiteboard totaling about $2,030. In actuality we only had about $1,930 because we expected another $100 being added to the pot from one of us. That didn't happen, so the actual cash we collected was $1,930.
We didn't like having less than $2,000 so we rounded it up to $2,000.
Not sure how this cross-checks with Jeff's numbers, or if it even matters, but what's really important is the bottom line:
Like I often say to you, I'll only spend your money as if it were my own. Having children extract your funds certainly helps the whole effort, doesn't it? It's hard to say no to them, and they love taking your money more than anybody. You should have seen the look on Chip's five-year-old son Charles' face as he stacked up the bills. A combination jaw-drop and blank stare occurred while he turned to a bigger kid for some visual confirmation that he actually had this responsibility.
Thank you to everybody who donated funds! Hopefully this money will find its way to people who need it. I realize that nothing compares to being on the ground to assist during a natural disaster, but that's not always possible.
Ken Gracey
Funny thing about UPEW is that nobody (OBC, the kids and myself) wants to carry around loads of cash we collect from selling raffle tickets. Even though everybody is trusted, the thought of being responsible for a large amount of cash always makes people a bit nervous. This is why accountants always have a double-checked or three-way system for managing money.
Accountants don't come to UPEW.
So, I wound up with the job of collecting cash so I get to explain the "discrepancy" from my single-person accounting practice used last Saturday. I don't know if anybody cares or not, but those at UPEW will remember that I wrote numbers on the whiteboard totaling about $2,030. In actuality we only had about $1,930 because we expected another $100 being added to the pot from one of us. That didn't happen, so the actual cash we collected was $1,930.
We didn't like having less than $2,000 so we rounded it up to $2,000.
Not sure how this cross-checks with Jeff's numbers, or if it even matters, but what's really important is the bottom line:
Like I often say to you, I'll only spend your money as if it were my own. Having children extract your funds certainly helps the whole effort, doesn't it? It's hard to say no to them, and they love taking your money more than anybody. You should have seen the look on Chip's five-year-old son Charles' face as he stacked up the bills. A combination jaw-drop and blank stare occurred while he turned to a bigger kid for some visual confirmation that he actually had this responsibility.
Thank you to everybody who donated funds! Hopefully this money will find its way to people who need it. I realize that nothing compares to being on the ground to assist during a natural disaster, but that's not always possible.
Ken Gracey
I'll have the ticket totals transcribed from my notes to the 8cogs website over the weekend so that everyone can see how their donations effected the outcome.
Thanks to all to contributed both with donations and ticket sales. Not having enough space on the table for all of the items is ALWAYS a good problem to have when raising money for the American Red Cross!