BST with Terminal not working
I've tried four versions of BST on 2 computers (Mac OSX 10.4 and Windows XP) and the Lerner program (found at the link) will not run in the terminal. However, on the PC with XP & Parallax Serial Terminal and Parallax Propeller Software Tool it loads and works fine. Why is bst not working with the bst terminal in either computer?
When you open bst, open the terminal and set the port and connect, then go back to the editor section. Now, when you download, bst will automatically switch to the terminal.
I will focus on getting the BST terminal runnnig on the MacBook OSX 10.4. This has 0.19.4-pre9 bst.
Is coding the BST terminal exactly the same as coding the PST? I have no idea how to write the simple test program for bst. Can you show me a sample to run?
Lerner was compiled into eeprom but nothing changed.
I'm using the PEK circuit. Programs from PEK that don't use the terminal and blink LEDs load and run fine. It's a terminal connect problem. I think it's a port problem. Shouldn't I see port numbers to choose from? I'm seeing "/dev/tty.usbserial-A700fMKc".
I know Lerner is loaded and running because the Prop chip is drawing 20 ma. (prop idles around 4 ma) I just can't see anything on the bst terminal. I think its a port problem and the terminal is just not connecting. Yes, I tried ALL the settings and the procedure to connect as Cluso and Mike mentioned.
After downloading Mac OSX X86 (32 bit) 2011-02-28 2.2.16, I get two installers (FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_3.mpkg and FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_4_10_5_10_6.mpkg) Which one to install?
You have to fly this from the seat of your pants, apparently. I went back to this version bst, reinstalled the driver, chose 32 bit, chose the second option installer FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_4_10_5_10_6.mpkg, then had to play around with the terminal in bst. I moved baud down and then back to the original requirement, flipped the bits back and forth, and continued to tell it to connect when it disconnected.
Finally, I left it disconnected and the rascal connected automatically. Finally got rid of the duplication echo and all the question marks that appeared. This has been the most unintuitive mac install of any program and has taken days to get working. With all the versions of bst out there and no details for a simple install, it has been a challenging experience.
First you go through the selection of bst and don't know which version will work. There is no indication of which version works on which Mac OSX. Not everyone is using the newest OSX version. Is it for 10.3 or 10.4 or 10.5 or 10.6? So you randomly pick a version and its the one with bugs in it and compile is halted.
But wait, the recommended web site for the latest download is outdated. You need the help of a master on the Parallax Forum to give you the correct link. So now you download another version and go through all the install steps again (and again).
If you get past THAT hurdle, next comes the usb driver, with similar unanswered questions to download from another company (3 so far). Even after making that choice, another two drivers come up from the download. Very confusing. Do you need to load one over the other or both or one, there are no instructions to say. Parallax, where are you?
After that, you've got settings on the terminal and need to know how and when to connect. Are there instructions for this? No. This whole thing is definitely not a Mac experience. But, it's the only software that runs on a Mac. The PC with Parallax Propeller software by comparison was effortless and seamless. I think Parallax should support Macs as well.
Don't get me wrong, I like the one option on the Mac that makes a Propeller chip work which is bst and Brad has accomplished spectacular things with it, and put in features that are not on Parallax' PC software (which I need in my applications), and I applaud his great accomplishments and hard work and support and good results with bst. I just wish the process was a little easier to install and fully supported by Parallax.
BTW, Lerner is doing well. I don't want to shut him off now that the terminal is actually working. Lerner is good - he'll talk forever, continually learning if you have patience to teach him, and he lives up to his name. The next step is an option to replace the terminal with a serial feed to the Propeller speech synthesizer and hear him talk.
We did a page at the propeller wiki but I do not know if anybody is reading that nowadays...
Thanks Ale, is there a link for the BST thread? I typed in bst in the forum search field and it finds nothing.
I don't think the search engine works for terms of three or fewer characters. Here's the thread:
Unfortunately, Parallax can't support BST since they didn't write it and no one except Brad has access to the code.
Wow, you're being really harsh! This is "free" software. I thought maybe the lerner program was too large for BST or used some function that broke BST. So, I downloaded lerner, compiled it (with the one fix mentioned in the lerner forum), checked to make sure the terminal was set for the proper baud rate and after loading the EEPROM, it just worked!
I've been using BST for several months, with no issues and am just glad to have a decent, free IDE that works. Downloading the proper FTDI driver is not BST's problem. Selecting the terminal's baud rate is not a problem, it's flexibility. And, once you have it set up, compiling and loading automatically brings the Terminal to the front.
I would not have gotten as involved with the Propeller if it were not for BST!
I'm definitely not harsh at all and I believe you overlooked the good words I have for this software. If only you had the patience to read my entire post...
Humanoido Quote: Don't get me wrong, I like the one option on the Mac that makes a Propeller chip work which is bst and Brad has accomplished spectacular things with it, and put in features that are not on Parallax' PC software (which I need in my applications), and I applaud his great accomplishments and hard work and support and good results with bst.
Understood! :thumb: I just would't want a prop newbie Mac user to give up on the Propeller because BST is not a one-click install and go solution...