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ViewPort configuration to show lsa-view at a higher zoom? — Parallax Forums

ViewPort configuration to show lsa-view at a higher zoom?

StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
edited 2011-05-25 15:44 in Propeller 1
Hi ViewPort-Experts

I find viewport not very intuitive and I'm definitely over the age of seeing
"find out by try and error" as a funny game.

What do I have to change in the config-code to make the lsa-view showing at a higher zoom
where you can drag the viewed part of shown signal? Or do I have to use the quicksample-object then?
And if yes what has to be changed in the code then?
 _clkmode     = xtal1 + pll16x
 _xinfreq        = 5_000_000      'use standard 5MHz clock
OBJ   'include 2 ViewPort objects:
  vp    : "Conduit"                 'transfers data to/from PC
  SqrWave    : "SquareWave"
  long irdetectleft

  long cntr           '            'binary counter
  long nextCycle                   'time for next increment
  long io                          'stores IO port status
  long freq                        'counter frequency- edited with ViewPort dial  
pub demo
 vp.monitorina(@io)                'the conduit object will contiually update the io variable with the INA state
 optional_configure_viewport       'optionally configure viewport's interface   
 vp.share(@io,@freq)               'share the <io> and <freq> variables


   waitcnt(clkfreq/1000 + cnt)
   irdetectleft := ina[1]

pub optional_configure_viewport  

   'the io frame is filled by the sampleINA, we're only interested in specific
   'bits which we name: 0 make up the cntr, 30 is tx and 31 is rx  
   'share the freq variable.  it has a unit of Hz with range from 1 to 10

  'configure the lsa graph to display the io variable with 1ms timescale
  'and trigger set on bit 18 rising
  'configure the edit section to display a dial and text for the freq variable 
     'start in lsa mode                                                                                                              

any kinds of hints and tips are much appreciated

best regards

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