Common electronics formula's
I'm interested in finding out what common formula's people use on a regular basis, eiether electronic or electrical.
The common ones are Ohms Law(v=IR), Watts Law (P=IV - don't know if it is actually called Watts law), potential dividers (Vout = R2/(R1+R2) xVin) etc.
Are there any other formulas that people use on a regular basis?
Many thanks in advance,
I'm interested in finding out what common formula's people use on a regular basis, eiether electronic or electrical.
The common ones are Ohms Law(v=IR), Watts Law (P=IV - don't know if it is actually called Watts law), potential dividers (Vout = R2/(R1+R2) xVin) etc.
Are there any other formulas that people use on a regular basis?
Many thanks in advance,
There are manipulations of them that are handy, but I won't bother to present all the permutations. What is really important is to use both and to be able to understand how to apply them to Thevin's Equivalent Circuits.
From there, we get into Capacitance and Inductance. These formulas are related in one way another to time; either frequency, time delay, or filtering. Essentially capacitance and inductance produce a special kind of resistance; which is called impedance.
If you want to get into amplification, that opens up yet another series of formulas related to Gain. In general, amps are either Power Amps - which produce a combination of both voltage and current gain OR special operational amps (OP AMPs) that either amplify only voltage or only current.
I'd have to say that is about the core - though one can get into a lot more fancy stuff. I am trying to present this from the simple Algebraic view point, but if you get into Trigonometry or Calculus, the same formulas are presented in different ways. Also, Impedance often requires one to learn Complex numbers.