Return of the Sandbox
We're considering opening up the Sandbox again, but first we would appreciate your input.
Why Mr. Bump?
A long time ago in a forum very similar to this one we had a Sandbox, and it was good. But one day the Sandbox was vaulted to a higher position on the Forums and its name was twisted into the "General Discussion" forum. Just like that the nature of discussion was changed, there was no place to discuss nonsense and non-Parallax related things.
We've had complaints
By description the General Discussion forum is for items "related to Parallax products but not..." yet because we removed the miscellaneous chatter forum by default all the nonsense ended up back in the general.
And so...
Do we need a return of the Sandbox? The decision ultimately falls upon the forum community as it will play more towards your desires and you'll be filling it with content/love/stuff?
Why Mr. Bump?
A long time ago in a forum very similar to this one we had a Sandbox, and it was good. But one day the Sandbox was vaulted to a higher position on the Forums and its name was twisted into the "General Discussion" forum. Just like that the nature of discussion was changed, there was no place to discuss nonsense and non-Parallax related things.
We've had complaints
By description the General Discussion forum is for items "related to Parallax products but not..." yet because we removed the miscellaneous chatter forum by default all the nonsense ended up back in the general.
And so...
Do we need a return of the Sandbox? The decision ultimately falls upon the forum community as it will play more towards your desires and you'll be filling it with content/love/stuff?
Rich H
Yes, bring back the Sandbox in it's official form.. It's a good general meeting place to get to know folks.
Iam all for it !
General Discussion will stay where it is, and you've hit on the primary issue with why we haven't just created a Sandbox again.
Let's say it's created tomorrow and 'The Sandbox' is added to 'Social Forums', but 'General Discussion' remains. Two weeks pass and only 20 topics have flared up in the sandbox while the general discussion rages on with topics ranging from programming to cute kittens being used in mock crash-tests (no idea why that topic came to mind).
What have we done in this scenario? Added another useless forum.
OTOH - We create 'The Sandbox' and add it up next to 'General Discussion' and it works as intended; the programming stuff goes to general and the kittens fall into the sandbox (poor kittens), but as a result we now have two 'meh' forums before you can get to the sweet-meats of the Propeller, Robotics, Etc forums.
We have no intention to nuke the General Discussion, it serves its purpose well. This is more used as a gauge to see if we should create a different area for -other- topics or just broaden the general discussion to allow the full range of digression it currently exhibits.
Depending on their needs at the time, that may be exactly what they want.
(Just practicing for the return of the sandbox, if it returns.)
Or you could simply change the General Discussion forum description to be "A sandbox where you can talk about anything you want." You needn't specify a by-line as including electronics or anything technical as the main purpose since everybody is already here for the same interests.
I thought the Builder's Forum was a great name. Having both The Sandbox and General Discussion could be a bit confusing to dopes like me, though Phil will probably be able to identify the proper place to talk about Browser the cat.
Ken Gracey
I would vote for broadening the General Discussion guidelines. After all, the old Sandbox is already archived there, and nothing has really changed, topic-wise. Frankly, the only time I ever go to the main fourm page is to start a new thread. The rest of the time I use the "What's New" button and pay no attention to which forum something was posted in.
I like the sandbox concept. Sometimes I just want to have a place to babble with friends and "family" I've come to know. How I do like to babble.
I vote bring back the SandBox and place it immediately under the General Parallax Discussion.
Rich H
Plus, I don't remember ever having been put off by any of the topics in General Discussion, so maybe it isn't that big of a deal.
If you do decide to make a Sandbox, I like Paul's suggestion of changing the name to "General Parallax Discussion." And perhaps the tagline can refer to the sub-sweet-meat Sandbox for non-Parallax discussion.
Browser, you may be showing signs of a urinary tract infection. Perhaps I should give you a thorough physical exam. Call me.
Browser, you should make him change his name to kittydoc before you call him.
If it is really necessary to have social forum, so bring the Soapbox back. I will volunteer first rant!
But I am against putting it up front, let's keep the site technical first and social later.
If that isn't cause enough for having a Sandbox I don't know what is.
I like that recommendation since you can click, in the projects forum, on "Completed" or "In Progress" and the rest of the posts are filtered out. That is a nice feature for a forum to have. But I didn't know about it until about 3 days ago when I accidentally clicked Completed.
I just knew I could mark my own posts as answered/unanswered but had problems editing posts in IE with advanced mode, so I finally got Firefox.
Can't we just say general discussion, is general discussion, minus politics and religion? I actually enjoy discussing both, and do, but there are places for that, and IMHO, this is not one of those places. The value here is building the hobby for all of us. Having a little fun, or bonding with one another, etc... is a good thing, so long as it's not taking away from other, more important, good things.
My own behavior was to check the sandbox, from time to time, and jump in. The "old computers" thread was absolutely great! It ran for a very long time too. So, we lost that with the current format. I think that's a loss worth thinking about how to recover.
All of that said, if we do NOTHING, the current value of the forum is high. No matter what, that really needs to be primary, because it is why we are all here, and Parallax shares it with us closely. Honestly, that's special, and I sure wouldn't want that synergy broken.