Xbee to Xbee Help
i have 2 xbees and 2 prop demo boards i have them hooked up and tested but i canyt seem to see why my code i snot working its very simple but its not transmiting.
i have 2 xbees and 2 prop demo boards i have them hooked up and tested but i canyt seem to see why my code i snot working its very simple but its not transmiting.
{ ************************************************************************************************************ * * * AUTO-RECOVER NOTICE: This file was automatically recovered from an earlier Propeller Tool session. * * * * ORIGINAL FOLDER: * * TIME AUTO-SAVED: 20 hours, 13 minutes ago (5/19/2011 11:24:13 PM) * * * * OPTIONS: 1) RESTORE THIS FILE by deleting these comments and selecting File -> Save. * * The existing file in the original folder will be replaced by this one. * * * * -- OR -- * * * * 2) IGNORE THIS FILE by closing it without saving. * * This file will be discarded and the original will be left intact. * * * ************************************************************************************************************ .} {{ RFID Tag Side (remote client) }} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 XBEE_DOUT_PIN = 1 XBEE_DIN_PIN = 2 XBEE_MODE = %0000 XBEE_BAUD = 9_600 LED_PIN = 20 LCD_PIN = 3 ' for Parallax 4x20 serial LCD on P0 LCD_BAUD = 19_200 LCD_LINES = 4 obj xb : "FullDuplexSerial" 'comms to XBee. xbobj : "XBee_Object_2" lcd : "debug_lcd" pst : "Parallax Serial Terminal" ' Serial communication object var long recv byte data[11] pub go | idx xbobj.start(XBEE_DOUT_PIN, XBEE_DIN_PIN, XBEE_MODE, XBEE_BAUD) 'start comms to XBee xbobj.Delay(1000) ' One second delay if lcd.init(LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_LINES) ' start lcd lcd.cursor(0) ' cursor off lcd.backLight(true) ' backlight on (if available) lcd.custom(0, @Bullet) ' create custom character 0 lcd.cls ' clear the lcd lcd.str(string("NODE", 13)) lcd.putc(0) ' display custom bullet character lcd.str(string("Recive", 13)) lcd.putc(0) lcd.str(string("Transmit", 13)) lcd.putc(0) 'main loop repeat ReciveData pub ReciveData ' pst.strinmax(@data, 1) ' waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt) ' updateLcd(@data) ' pst.str(@data) xbobj.rxStr(@data) waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt) updateLcd(@data) pub Delay(mS) ' Delay in milliseconds waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 * mS + cnt) PRI updateLcd(value) lcd.gotoxy(12, 1) lcd.dec(value) lcd.gotoxy(12, 2) lcd.dec(value) DAT Bullet byte $00, $04, $0E, $1F, $0E, $04, $00, $00
{{ Computer Side (host) }} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 XBEE_DOUT_PIN = 1 XBEE_DIN_PIN = 2 XBEE_MODE = %0000 XBEE_BAUD = 9_600 LED_PIN = 20 LCD_PIN = 3 ' for Parallax 4x20 serial LCD on P0 LCD_BAUD = 19_200 LCD_LINES = 4 obj xb : "FullDuplexSerial" 'comms to XBee xbobj : "XBee_Object_2" lcd : "debug_lcd" pst : "Parallax Serial Terminal" ' Serial communication object var long recv byte data[10] byte val1 pub go | idx xbobj.start(XBEE_DOUT_PIN, XBEE_DIN_PIN, XBEE_MODE, XBEE_BAUD) 'start comms to XBee xbobj.Delay(1000) ' One second delay if lcd.init(LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_LINES) ' start lcd lcd.cursor(0) ' cursor off lcd.backLight(true) ' backlight on (if available) lcd.custom(0, @Bullet) ' create custom character 0 lcd.cls ' clear the lcd lcd.str(string("NODE", 13)) lcd.putc(0) ' display custom bullet character lcd.str(string("Recive", 13)) lcd.putc(0) lcd.str(string("Transmit", 13)) lcd.putc(0) 'main loop repeat SendData pub SendData xbobj.str(string("Hello Xbee")) waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) xbobj.str(string("Hello Again!")) pub Delay(mS) ' Delay in milliseconds waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 * mS + cnt) PRI updateLcd(value) lcd.gotoxy(12, 1) lcd.decf(@value, 8) ' print right-justified decimal value lcd.gotoxy(11, 2) lcd.ihex(@value, 8) ' print indicated (with $) hex lcd.gotoxy(7, 3) lcd.ibin(@value, 12) DAT Bullet byte $00, $04, $0E, $1F, $0E, $04, $00, $00