[Contest Entry]Automated Home Security System
Hello, I'm fairly new to micro-controller programming, but I did use the boe-bot for one of my classes. Hopefully I just bought the last Spinneret in stock.
My automated home security system will monitor and report intrusions through text messages. I plan to implement multiple sensor types, and have many wild ideas I hope I can implement.
Expect a more detailed design document soon.
My automated home security system will monitor and report intrusions through text messages. I plan to implement multiple sensor types, and have many wild ideas I hope I can implement.
Expect a more detailed design document soon.
Sensor Schematic (if using less than 6 must be attached in order)
I owe an incredible amount of thanks (in no particular order) to:
Mike G
Beau Schwabe
Roy ELtham
Jeff Martin
Andy Lindsay
Chip Gracey
and all the others that they built on.
Sorry that I do not have more to show. Thank you for the opportunity.
If (sensorsAttached >= 1)
sensorWait= cnt *******' FAULT give :expected operator
Waitcnt(sensorWait + 50_000)
trippedsensor[0]=ina(middlePin) *******' FAULT give :expected operator
I try == and := but nothing
Thanks for help
Then it should compile. It looks like the source from the OBEX has these issues in it. It is also missing an object from Brildea.
As a note, I have a custom home alarm system originally built around a BS2p40 and a BS2 which also sends me TXT messages on status upates, but I built mine back when we were developing the PINK Module, so it uses that. I had always thought about updating the system to use a Propeller though someday.