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Red Cross Donations for UPEW 2011 — Parallax Forums

Red Cross Donations for UPEW 2011

Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
edited 2011-05-20 23:13 in Propeller 1
Every year we have amazing donations to our Red Cross Raffle! This year is no exception!

Parallax has tripled their usual entry in the raffle by adding lunch time & dinner raffles! You'll have two chances to win a bunch of great Parallax stuff! Also, one lucky attendee will go home with a QuadRover!!!

Also many attendees step up to contribute items of value as well. (Propeller related please!) If you have an item which is to be added to the raffle, please see me the morning of the expo to register it!

We do a lot of good for charity and have fun doing it! Unfortunately, the results usually get completely buried in these forums. No longer!!

Want to see what is already on the raffle table for UPEW 2011?

Items will be added and tracked here. You'll even know how much money an item raised!

Watch the morning of the expo for all the expo event details!



  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2011-05-19 18:04
    Every year we have amazing donations to our Red Cross Raffle! This year is no exception!

    Parallax has tripled their usual entry in the raffle by adding lunch time & dinner raffles! You'll have two chances to win a bunch of great Parallax stuff! Also, one lucky attendee will go home with a QuadRover!!!

    Also many attendees step up to contribute items of value as well. (Propeller related please!) If you have an item which is to be added to the raffle, please see me the morning of the expo to register it!

    We do a lot of good for charity and have fun doing it! Unfortunately, the results usually get completely buried in these forums. No longer!!

    Want to see what is already on the raffle table for UPEW 2011?

    Items will be added and tracked here. You'll even know how much money an item raised!

    Watch the morning of the expo for all the expo event details!


    If (more like IFF) my 11 year-old finishes his "biome" report tonight then he'll be hawking raffle tickets on Saturday. He's been instructed to take all of the attendee's money in exchange for raffle tickets, building a large Red Cross donation. He's not an aggressive salesman but he knows this is far more productive than selling Boy Scout popcorn in front of a grocery store.

    Ken Gracey
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2011-05-19 19:43
    Is it possible to enter the raffle if you aren't attending UPEW?
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2011-05-19 21:27
    Sorry, rules are that you must be present to play, and present to win.

    You can always have someone you trust who is present to play for you.

  • schillschill Posts: 741
    edited 2011-05-20 05:08
    Here's a link describing the C3 panels that are in the raffle:

    It includes 4 side panels and a version-2 top panel. They are smoke gray (translucent) and look like the original panels. The bottom panel and mounting hardware are not included and can come from the original C3 enclosure.

    Raffle thread:
  • SSteveSSteve Posts: 808
    edited 2011-05-20 07:36
    I have fully-functional HP Pavilion 3GHz Pentium 4 with 1.5Gb RAM and 120Gb drive (that will be wiped) that I was going to put on the freebie table. If you think it might raise a few dollars, I can put it in the raffle instead. What do you think?
  • SSteveSSteve Posts: 808
    edited 2011-05-20 07:37
    Sorry, rules are that you must be present to play, and present to win.

    When is the Quadrover drawing? I'm not sure what time I'm going to have to leave on Saturday.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2011-05-20 07:55
    Sorry, rules are that you must be present to play, and present to win.

    You can always have someone you trust who is present to play for you.


    I'd love to be there but I have a kid graduating from college this weekend. I guess I'll have to just donate to the Red Cross myself. I hope everyone has a great time at UPEW! I'm hoping to make it next year.
  • JimInCAJimInCA Posts: 80
    edited 2011-05-20 08:29
    Sorry, rules are that you must be present to play, and present to win.

    Last year, I was only able to attend UPEW on Saturday. With the requirement that you be present to win and with the drawing being on Sunday, I didn't purchase any tickets. But as I was leaving late Saturday afternoon, I saw someone else who was also leaving handing a string of tickets to one of the presenters (the gentleman who did a great presentation on his RTO for propeller) because he enjoyed his presentation so much. I thought that this was a GREAT thing. Not only did the Red Cross get a donation, the presenter got a little something for his efforts.

    So my point is, if you enjoyed someone's presentation, give them a ticket! Maybe they'll win something for their efforts. It looks like a Win-Win to me.

    See you at UPEW...
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,995
    edited 2011-05-20 15:51
    Was the drawing Sunday last year? I was only there Saturday, but I could have sworn they did the drawing at the end of the day...
  • JimInCAJimInCA Posts: 80
    edited 2011-05-20 22:39
    You may be right. All I remember is that I had to leave befor the drawing.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-05-20 23:13
    Well, I won't be attending, due to excessive work travel. So, that's $20 to the red cross. (thanks Ken)

    That said, I enjoy the raffle, because the kids are great!
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