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Washer dryer alam — Parallax Forums

Washer dryer alam

Rutcgr18Rutcgr18 Posts: 47
edited 2011-05-19 14:05 in BASIC Stamp
So my wife and i moved in to a new house. We can never hear the alarm for the washer and dryer when its finished. Since I have 2 stamps haning around i was thinking if i could get ethernet to one of them and some how have it compose and email or sms and let me know the laudry is done. Thoughts??


  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,934
    edited 2011-05-19 09:56
    Awesome idea. Others could chime in on using the Spinnerette or a PINK for that manner of setup. You may want to look into using XBee because it could be much simpler from a code perspective. Just have an XBee setup insde as well with a blinking light or buzzer. I am working on a project currently that will be very similar that uses XBee. One of our machines at work is set to run a cycle and the operator may walk away for other tasks. Now, he tried to keep an eye on the rough time of when it finishes. I will be making a setup to sense when the gantry returns to a specific "end of cycle" position and then alert a Propeller based pager he will be wearing via XBee.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,256
    edited 2011-05-19 14:05
    Baby monitor transmits sound to whereever you are. Walmart, $15 max. Ready to go.
    Simpler is better-er.

    Or, make a Prop object for the exchange with HiFi WiFi Bluetooth HiDef HiRes iPhone 1080p Blackfin Firewire Nano MP4, GPS-empowered, web-enabled, GUI that does the same thing, but requires a daily hardware reset.
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