BST Mac Install
Posts: 5,770
I downloaded and it will not open or install. Any ideas? Stuffit Deluxe does nothing. MacZip same.
(OSX 10.4)
(OSX 10.4)
I can't install it (no mac!) but it unzips fine for me under Win7.
I don't think so - I think it is just supposed to be an executable file.
I use it on my Mac all the time. I've got OS 10.5.8 and have never had a problem.
Other than that, check the file permissions to make sure it's executable. You can do this from the cmd line: ls -l. If it's not executable, you can make it so with the command chmod.
Say it's called bst.exe.
"chmod +x bst.exe" will set that executable bit for you.
That means you're not in the directory containing bstc.osx when you are running the chmod command. Here's a tip: In the Terminal, type "cd " (there's a space after "cd"--that's important). Then, from Finder, drag the folder containing bstc.osx onto the Terminal window. It will automatically insert the folder's location onto the command line. Click back into the Terminal window and press return. Now you're in the bstc.osx directory and can issue the chmod command. In order to run bstc.osx, you will either need to copy it into a directory that's in your path (type echo $PATH in Terminal to see which directories those are--you'll need to use "sudo cp" to copy into one of those directories) or cd into the directory containing bstc.osx and invoke it by typing "./bstc.osx". The "./" tells Unix to look in the current directory. For security reasons, Unix doesn't consider the current directory to be part of the search path for executables.
bstc.osx is a command-line program. It will easily run on the slowest CPU capable of running OS X. The only thing is I'm not 100% sure bstc.osx runs under 10.4. But I'm guessing it does.
Report back if you're still having trouble.
The caveat being that it has to have been compiled to work with the version of OS X and the processor you're running. It does run on the PowerPC, though:
Thank you.
And nice to see you around these parts again.
I trust all is well?
It occurs to me to ask is Humanoido trying to run bstc from the finder or from the terminal? If the latter then more information would be helpful.
Humanoido just wants to run it, and appears to lack the execute bit, due to how OS X 10.4 appears to handle things. We may have resolved it. If you've got a quick, "do it this way" best practice, it would be good to see it here; otherwise, I think he just needs to get a coupla OS X navigation and permission matters resolved.
Andrey - Fantastic! This time the download worked perfect. File appeared, instantly unzipped, icon appeared on the desktop, I double clicked it, and bst was up and running! Loaded in a Spin program. So far so good. The next step is to see if a Propeller chip connects.
If Brad will let me I could probably get BST to compile under Mac OS X server 10.0, and writhe a shell script installer, this would allow it to be used on any PowerPC version of OS X. This would of course mean seperating the PowerPC and IA32 OS X versions, or a separate archive could be maintained for Mac OS X 10.4 and newer (as earlier versions of OS X do not support Universal Binaries). I could also see about getting it to compile on Mac OS 9.x, and then we might have a Mac OS Classic version of BST.
I note there is NO provision to print a .spin file. Or is there something else needed for that?