A new way to use diodes?
Check out the product picture. Maybe the photographer was bored that day?
Check out the product picture. Maybe the photographer was bored that day?
I figure it's so that you can have a big bin full of them (before putting them in the packaging) and they won't get tangled up with each other.
1) If all the diode polarities go the same way, then the voltage drop across all those parallel diodes is practically nothing.
2) If the diode polarities are mixed, there's a good chance that there's a free bridge rectifier somewhere in there.
And yes, I'm kidding on both counts.
dont laugh but when I was 10 I thought I could parallal Diodes easy . so to make a better Batt charger used a array of 5x5 ( 25 ) 1n4004's ....... it worked ! but I never knew til later in ,life why the thing did not heat up evinly .
edit: Check out this LED:
As I mentioned before, I've seen them that way in their packaging in the store.
By the way, my favorite comment so far is regarding the free bridge rectifier.
Looks like HAL's watchful "eye" in 2001 A Space Odyssey, when Dave and Frank were having the secret conversation in the pod.
Ever since Tandy Leather Company took over Radio Shack in the 1960s, it hasn't quite been normal as far as an electronics supplier goes. There is something odd that goes on in Fort Worth, TX.