Ubuntu 11.04 and bst
I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit on my computer, which I will giving it a trial run. Now the question I have is, does anybody know what the status of bst is? bradc has not been around for quite awhile, and I noticed that bst has not been updated for quite a long time. I am also curious as to what is going to happen to propBASIC, since, I think bean has updated it, but it is not showing up in bst. Hopefully bst will run without any problems on the latest Ubuntu.
By the way I use the "classic no frills" version...
Just use CentOS and be left out in the cold:)
Are the Distros I use ........ I got Bit by the TUX bug in 2005 . ( sadly Its not of to snuff to replace OSX for My Video/audio work .
sadly I have no need to use Linux for day to day use as I have a mac . If you need Really good compatability and are willing to work Debain is really a Well made Distro ..
Now, I think, what is arising is, since bradc is no longer responding, then we are basically locked into an old version of Ubuntu. I guess that is the problem with this kind of "free" software. I guess I will have to go back to Win 7, and use the Parallax supported Propeller IDE. bradc was on the right track, but, he must of lost interest along the way.
That's the problem when free software is not open-source. Andrey Demenev is writing a cross-platform open-source editor called PZST. It's in the early stages, but it's already looking really good and is working fine on my Mac (he develops on Linux and Windows). It uses bstc as its back-end compiler, but hopefully that won't turn out to be a problem.
In this post Brad explained that his entire three-month backup system got corrupted by an incompatibility between Linux and his SATA controller. I haven't seen any posts from him since then.