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C3 and the mouse in GUIDemo — Parallax Forums

C3 and the mouse in GUIDemo

topherslatertopherslater Posts: 3
edited 2011-05-13 19:06 in Propeller 1
(Problem solved) I was looking in the driver instead of the top level code, and it turns out that you can not use both at the same time in its stock configuration. Sorry I can not find the delete for this post.

Forgive me My experience with Propeller is limited (read as NOOB). I am woking with the VGAHiResTextGUIDemo1.2 and am trying to get it to work with the C3. I have worked out the VGA, the keyboard works, but I am having trouble fixing the mouse. The C3 uses mouse_010.spin and the GUIDemo uses mouse.spin, which is newer and includes some extra features. I have used the asteroids game from the C3 FTP site and the mouse works. I have compared both of the mouse codes and can not trace down the issue ( I think it is the assembly code). I am sure it it super simple, I cant find what the "cpin" and "dpin" are pointing at to see if they agree between both Mouse codes.
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