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New AppNote Posted: FAT16/FAT32 Full File System Driver



  • BTXBTX Posts: 674
    edited 2011-06-15 18:50
    Thank you so much Kye, I've tried it, and seems to work fine now !!
    Hey Kye.... sorry I forget it, WELL DONE !! impressive work yours with this code.
  • BTXBTX Posts: 674
    edited 2011-06-16 06:49
    Hey guys.
    Any ideas, how to delete a small portion of a large file ? and save it overwritting the original file, (like in a text editor, you delete a word in some text, and Save it corrected).
    My file is binary, neither, I can't store all file content in a vector to process it, I'm getting complicated with this "aparently" simply task.
    Maybe I'm missing some simple method to do it, or "usually used methods", in this kind of tasks.
  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2011-06-18 11:11
    Um, I say just make two copies of the file system driver so that you can have the file open in one and make the new file in the other. That's how this is done usually.

    Note: If you've read the appnote then you know that both copies of the file system driver are completely independent. So, if you're looking through directories both of the drivers have to be told to change directories and such to the file location.
  • BTXBTX Posts: 674
    edited 2011-06-19 20:12
    Thank you so much Kye. I'll try it.
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