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Controllers: PID, Sliding Mode, Root Locus, Ect... — Parallax Forums

Controllers: PID, Sliding Mode, Root Locus, Ect...

th3jesterth3jester Posts: 81
edited 2011-05-10 19:16 in Propeller 1
Has there been any work on creating an object for different control algorithms? I've searched the OBEX and found a few PID objects, some I don't exactly trust. Is anyone interested in working on this with me? The need for accurate control in embedded systems is in high demand and should be used. A few, stated in the subject line, PID, Sliding Mode, Root Locus, and various others could be included. Being able to use Laplace transforms would be beneficial as it makes the PID and Root Locus very easy.

Any thoughts? suggestions?


  • th3jesterth3jester Posts: 81
    edited 2011-05-10 18:52
    I have started an object to perform all the above and more. So far I have the ground work. I used the functions from the F32 object ( thank you to Jonathan "lonesock" Dummer ) for creating it. I plan on making it run in a single cog, similar to the F32 object. The different controls will be called from the top object with given gains and the location for the return value.

    Controller.PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, @output)

    The sliding mode and root locus will be similar if I can figure out how to code it. Others will be added once I discuss this with an expert in control systems.

    EDIT: oopps.... I forget the set points and process variable, so it will look like this.
    Controller.PID (SetPoint, ProcessVariable, Kp, Ki, Kd, @output)

    I could have an Init method to set the Kp, Ki, and Kd gains yet this would limit the loop to only one process. Making it versatile on the fly is a big advantage.
  • th3jesterth3jester Posts: 81
    edited 2011-05-10 19:16
    So far here is what I have, it is not finished. Please state any improvements that can be made. I will be double check the math of the PID as I am not completely sure it's accurate at the moment.

    This will be a very useful object once it's complete.

    I have to do a little more research on sliding mode and root locus as it was a year ago that I took the class.
      CLOCKS_PER_MICROSECOND = 5*16     ' simple xin*pll / 1_000_000                     
      CLOCKS_PER_MILLISECOND = 5000*16  ' simple xin*pll / 1_000
      HzToSec = 1.0 / 80_000_000.0        
      long  f32_Cmd
      byte  cog
    PUB Stop                                    
      if cog
        cogstop(cog~ - 1)
    PUB Start
      f32_Cmd := 0
      return cog := cognew(@f32_entry, @f32_Cmd) + 1
    PUB PID (Setpoint, ProcessVariable, Kp, Ki, Kd, output) | dt, dte, cur_dt, pre_dt, SP, PV, e, P, I, I_pre, D, ep 
         cur_dt := cnt
         dte := cur_dt - pre_dt
         dte := FMul(FFloat(dte), HzToSec)  
         e := FSub(SP, PV)                                  'CALCULATE ERROR
         P := FMul(Kp, e)                                   'PID
         I := FAdd(FMul(FMul(dte, FDiv(FAdd(e, ep), 2.0)), Ki), I_pre)
         I_pre := I
         D := FMul(Kd, FDiv(FSub(e, ep), dte))                                                                    
         long[output] := FRound(FAdd(P, FAdd(I, D)))
         ep := e
         pre_dt := cur_dt
    PUB SMC    'Sliding Mode Control
    PUB RLC    'Root Locus Contrl
    PUB Laplace       'math for Laplace transform.....if possible
    PUB Complex_Num     'for Laplace transform
    PUB Polar_to_Rec    'for Laplace transform
    PUB Rec_to_Polar    'for Laplace transform  
    PUB Cmd_ptr
      return the Hub address of f32_Cmd, so other code can call it directly
      return @f32_Cmd
    PUB Call_ptr
      return the Hub address of the dispatch table, so other code can call it directly
      return @cmdCallTable 
    PUB FAdd(a, b)
      Addition: result = a + b
        a        32-bit floating point value
        b        32-bit floating point value
      Returns:   32-bit floating point value
      result  := cmdFAdd
      f32_Cmd := @result
      repeat while f32_Cmd
    PUB FSub(a, b)
      Subtraction: result = a - b
        a        32-bit floating point value
        b        32-bit floating point value
      Returns:   32-bit floating point value
      result  := cmdFSub
      f32_Cmd := @result
      repeat while f32_Cmd
    PUB FMul(a, b)
      Multiplication: result = a * b
        a        32-bit floating point value
        b        32-bit floating point value
      Returns:   32-bit floating point value
      result  := cmdFMul
      f32_Cmd := @result
      repeat while f32_Cmd
    PUB FDiv(a, b)
      Division: result = a / b
        a        32-bit floating point value
        b        32-bit floating point value
      Returns:   32-bit floating point value
      result  := cmdFDiv
      f32_Cmd := @result
      repeat while f32_Cmd
    PUB FFloat(n)
      Convert integer to floating point.
        n        32-bit integer value
      Returns:   32-bit floating point value
      result  := cmdFFloat
      f32_Cmd := @result
      repeat while f32_Cmd
    PUB FRound(a) | b
      Convert floating point to integer (with rounding).
        a        32-bit floating point value
        b        flag: 1 signifies rounding to the nearest integer
      Returns:   32-bit integer value
      b       := %001
      result  := cmdFTruncRound
      f32_Cmd := @result
      repeat while f32_Cmd
    PUB Delay_MS( time )
    Delays "time" milliseconds and returns.
      waitcnt (cnt + time*CLOCKS_PER_MILLISECOND)
    ' // end Delay_MS
    ' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    PUB Delay_US( time )
    Delays "time" microseconds and returns.
      waitcnt (cnt + time*CLOCKS_PER_MICROSECOND)
    ' // end Delay_US
      SignFlag      = $1
      ZeroFlag      = $2
      NaNFlag       = $8
    ' Assembly language routines
    ' Main control loop
                            org     0                       ' (try to keep 2 or fewer instructions between rd/wrlong)
    f32_entry               rdlong  ret_ptr, par wz         ' wait for command to be non-zero, and store it in the call location
                  if_z      jmp     #f32_entry
                            rdlong  :execCmd, ret_ptr       ' get the pointer to the return value ("@result")
                            add     ret_ptr, #4
                            rdlong  fNumA, ret_ptr          ' fnumA is the long after "result"
                            add     ret_ptr, #4
                            rdlong  fNumB, ret_ptr          ' fnumB is the long after fnumA
                            sub     ret_ptr, #8
    :execCmd                nop                             ' execute command, which was replaced by getCommand
    :finishCmd              wrlong  fnumA, ret_ptr          ' store the result (2 longs before fnumB)
                            mov     t1, #0                  ' zero out the command register
                            wrlong  t1, par                 ' clear command status
                            jmp     #f32_entry              ' wait for next command
    ' addition and subtraction
    ' fnumA = fnumA +- fnumB
    _FSub                   xor     fnumB, Bit31            ' negate B
                            jmp     #_FAdd                  ' add values
    _FAdd                   call    #_Unpack2               ' unpack two variables                    
              if_c_or_z     jmp     #_FAdd_ret              ' check for NaN or B = 0
                            test    flagA, #SignFlag wz     ' negate A mantissa if negative
              if_nz         neg     manA, manA
                            test    flagB, #SignFlag wz     ' negate B mantissa if negative
              if_nz         neg     manB, manB
                            mov     t1, expA                ' align mantissas
                            sub     t1, expB
                            abs     t1, t1          wc
                            max     t1, #31
                  if_nc     sar     manB, t1
                  if_c      sar     manA, t1
                  if_c      mov     expA, expB
                            add     manA, manB              ' add the two mantissas
                            abs     manA, manA      wc      ' store the absolte value,
                            muxc    flagA, #SignFlag        ' and flag if it was negative
                            call    #_Pack                  ' pack result and exit
    _FAdd_ret               ret      
    ' multiplication
    ' fnumA *= fnumB
    _FMul                   call    #_Unpack2               ' unpack two variables
                  if_c      jmp     #_FMul_ret              ' check for NaN
                            xor     flagA, flagB            ' get sign of result
                            add     expA, expB              ' add exponents
                            ' standard method: 404 counts for this block
                            mov     t1, #0                  ' t1 is my accumulator
                            mov     t2, #24                 ' loop counter for multiply (only do the bits needed...23 + implied 1)
                            shr     manB, #6                ' start by right aligning the B mantissa
    :multiply               shr     t1, #1                  ' shift the previous accumulation down by 1
                            shr     manB, #1 wc             ' get multiplier bit
                  if_c      add     t1, manA                ' if the bit was set, add in the multiplicand
                            djnz    t2, #:multiply          ' go back for more
                            mov     manA, t1                ' yes, that's my final answer.
                            call    #_Pack
    _FMul_ret               ret
    ' division
    ' fnumA /= fnumB
    _FDiv                   call    #_Unpack2               ' unpack two variables
              if_c_or_z     mov     fnumA, NaN              ' check for NaN or divide by 0
              if_c_or_z     jmp     #_FDiv_ret
                            xor     flagA, flagB            ' get sign of result
                            sub     expA, expB              ' subtract exponents
                            ' slightly faster division, using 26 passes instead of 30
                            mov     t1, #0                  ' clear quotient
                            mov     t2, #26                 ' loop counter for divide (need 24, plus 2 for rounding)
    :divide                 ' divide the mantissas
                            cmpsub  manA, manB      wc
                            rcl     t1, #1
                            shl     manA, #1
                            djnz    t2, #:divide
                            shl     t1, #4                  ' align the result (we did 26 instead of 30 iterations)
                            mov     manA, t1                ' get result and exit
                            call    #_Pack
    _FDiv_ret               ret
    ' fnumA = float(fnumA)
    _FFloat                 abs     manA, fnumA     wc,wz   ' get |integer value|
                  if_z      jmp     #_FFloat_ret            ' if zero, exit
                            mov     flagA, #0               ' set the sign flag
                            muxc    flagA, #SignFlag        ' depending on the integer's sign
                            mov     expA, #29               ' set my exponent
                            call    #_Pack                  ' pack and exit
    _FFloat_ret             ret
    ' rounding and truncation
    ' fnumB controls the output format:
    '       %00 = integer, truncate
    '       %01 = integer, round
    '       %10 = float, truncate
    '       %11 = float, round
    _FTruncRound            mov     t1, fnumA               ' grab a copy of the input
                            call    #_Unpack                ' unpack floating point value
                            ' Are we going for float or integer?
                            cmpsub  fnumB, #%10     wc      ' clear bit 1 and set the C flag if it was a 1
                            rcl     t2, #1
                            and     t2, #1          wz      ' Z now signified integer output
                            shl     manA, #2                ' left justify mantissa
                            sub     expA, #30               ' our target exponent is 30
                            abs     expA, expA      wc      ' adjust for exponent sign, and track if it was negative
                  if_z_and_nc mov   manA, NaN               ' integer output, and it's too large for us to handle
                  if_z_and_nc jmp   #:check_sign
                  if_nz_and_nc mov  fnumA, t1                ' float output, and we're already all integer
                  if_nz_and_nc jmp  #_FTruncRound_ret
                            ' well, I need to kill off some bits, so let's do it
                            max     expA, #31       wc
                            shr     manA, expA
                  if_c      add     manA, fnumB             ' round up 1/2 lsb if desired, and if it isn't supposed to be 0! (if expA was > 31)
                            shr     manA, #1
                  if_z      jmp     #:check_sign            ' integer output?
                            mov     expA, #29
                            call    #_Pack
                            jmp     #_FTruncRound_ret
    :check_sign             test    flagA, #signFlag wz     ' check sign and exit
                            negnz   fnumA, manA
    _FTruncRound_ret        ret
    ' truncation to unsigned integer
    ' fnumA = unsigned int(fnumA), clamped to 0
    _UintTrunc              call    #_Unpack
                            mov     fnumA, #0
                            test    flagA, #SignFlag wc
                  if_c_or_z jmp     #_UintTrunc_ret         ' if the input number was negative or zero, we're done
                            shl     manA, #2                ' left justify mantissa
                            sub     expA, #31               ' our target exponent is 31
                            abs     expA, expA      wc,wz
                  if_a      neg     fnumA, #1               ' if we needed to shift left, we're already maxed out
                  if_be     cmp     expA, #32       wc      ' otherwise, if we need to shift right by more than 31, the answer is 0
                  if_c      shr     manA, expA              ' OK, shift it down
                  if_c      mov     fnumA, manA
    _UintTrunc_ret          ret
    ' input:   fnumA        32-bit floating point value
    '          fnumB        32-bit floating point value 
    ' output:  flagA        fnumA flag bits (Nan, Infinity, Zero, Sign)
    '          expA         fnumA exponent (no bias)
    '          manA         fnumA mantissa (aligned to bit 29)
    '          flagB        fnumB flag bits (Nan, Infinity, Zero, Sign)
    '          expB         fnumB exponent (no bias)
    '          manB         fnumB mantissa (aligned to bit 29)
    '          C flag       set if fnumA or fnumB is NaN
    '          Z flag       set if fnumB is zero
    ' changes: fnumA, flagA, expA, manA, fnumB, flagB, expB, manB, t1
    _Unpack2                mov     t1, fnumA               ' save A
                            mov     fnumA, fnumB            ' unpack B to A
                            call    #_Unpack
              if_c          jmp     #_Unpack2_ret           ' check for NaN
                            mov     fnumB, fnumA            ' save B variables
                            mov     flagB, flagA
                            mov     expB, expA
                            mov     manB, manA
                            mov     fnumA, t1               ' unpack A
                            call    #_Unpack
                            cmp     manB, #0 wz             ' set Z flag                      
    _Unpack2_ret            ret
    ' input:   fnumA        32-bit floating point value 
    ' output:  flagA        fnumA flag bits (Nan, Infinity, Zero, Sign)
    '          expA         fnumA exponent (no bias)
    '          manA         fnumA mantissa (aligned to bit 29)
    '          C flag       set if fnumA is NaN
    '          Z flag       set if fnumA is zero
    ' changes: fnumA, flagA, expA, manA
    _Unpack                 mov     flagA, fnumA            ' get sign
                            shr     flagA, #31
                            mov     manA, fnumA             ' get mantissa
                            and     manA, Mask23
                            mov     expA, fnumA             ' get exponent
                            shl     expA, #1
                            shr     expA, #24 wz
              if_z          jmp     #:zeroSubnormal         ' check for zero or subnormal
                            cmp     expA, #255 wz           ' check if finite
              if_nz         jmp     #:finite
                            mov     fnumA, NaN              ' no, then return NaN
                            mov     flagA, #NaNFlag
                            jmp     #:exit2        
    :zeroSubnormal          or      manA, expA wz,nr        ' check for zero
              if_nz         jmp     #:subnorm
                            or      flagA, #ZeroFlag        ' yes, then set zero flag
                            neg     expA, #150              ' set exponent and exit
                            jmp     #:exit2
    :subnorm                shl     manA, #7                ' fix justification for subnormals  
    :subnorm2               test    manA, Bit29 wz
              if_nz         jmp     #:exit1
                            shl     manA, #1
                            sub     expA, #1
                            jmp     #:subnorm2
    :finite                 shl     manA, #6                ' justify mantissa to bit 29
                            or      manA, Bit29             ' add leading one bit
    :exit1                  sub     expA, #127              ' remove bias from exponent
    :exit2                  test    flagA, #NaNFlag wc      ' set C flag
                            cmp     manA, #0 wz             ' set Z flag
    _Unpack_ret             ret       
    ' input:   flagA        fnumA flag bits (Nan, Infinity, Zero, Sign)
    '          expA         fnumA exponent (no bias)
    '          manA         fnumA mantissa (aligned to bit 29)
    ' output:  fnumA        32-bit floating point value
    ' changes: fnumA, flagA, expA, manA 
    _Pack                   cmp     manA, #0 wz             ' check for zero                                        
              if_z          mov     expA, #0
              if_z          jmp     #:exit1
                            sub     expA, #380              ' take us out of the danger range for djnz
    :normalize              shl     manA, #1 wc             ' normalize the mantissa
              if_nc         djnz    expA, #:normalize       ' adjust exponent and jump
                            add     manA, #$100 wc          ' round up by 1/2 lsb
                            addx    expA, #(380 + 127 + 2)  ' add bias to exponent, account for rounding (in flag C, above)
                            mins    expA, Minus23
                            maxs    expA, #255
                            abs     expA, expA wc,wz        ' check for subnormals, and get the abs in case it is
              if_a          jmp     #:exit1
    :subnormal              or      manA, #1                ' adjust mantissa
                            ror     manA, #1
                            shr     manA, expA
                            mov     expA, #0                ' biased exponent = 0
    :exit1                  mov     fnumA, manA             ' bits 22:0 mantissa
                            shr     fnumA, #9
                            movi    fnumA, expA             ' bits 23:30 exponent
                            shl     flagA, #31
                            or      fnumA, flagA            ' bit 31 sign            
    _Pack_ret               ret
    '-------------------- constant values -----------------------------------------
    One                     long    1.0
    NaN                     long    $7FFF_FFFF
    Minus23                 long    -23
    Mask23                  long    $007F_FFFF
    Mask29                  long    $1FFF_FFFF
    Bit29                   long    $2000_0000
    Bit30                   long    $4000_0000
    Bit31                   long    $8000_0000
    LogTable                long    $C000
    ALogTable               long    $D000
    SineTable               long    $E000
    '-------------------- initialized variables -----------------------------------
    '-------------------- local variables -----------------------------------------
    ret_ptr                 res     1
    t1                      res     1
    t2                      res     1
    t3                      res     1
    t4                      res     1
    t5                      res     1
    t6                      res     1
    t7                      res     1
    t8                      res     1
    fnumA                   res     1               ' floating point A value
    flagA                   res     1
    expA                    res     1
    manA                    res     1
    fnumB                   res     1               ' floating point B value
    flagB                   res     1
    expB                    res     1
    manB                    res     1
    fit $1F0 ' A cog has 496 longs available, the last 16 (to make it up to 512) are register shadows.
    ' command dispatch table: must be compiled along with PASM code in
    ' Cog RAM to know the addresses, but does not neet to fit in it.
    cmdFAdd                 call    #_FAdd
    cmdFSub                 call    #_FSub
    cmdFMul                 call    #_FMul
    cmdFDiv                 call    #_FDiv
    cmdFFloat               call    #_FFloat
    cmdFTruncRound          call    #_FTruncRound
    cmdUintTrunc            call    #_UintTrunc
    {cmdFSqr                 call    #_FSqr
    cmdFCmp                 call    #_FCmp
    cmdFSin                 call    #_Sin
    cmdFCos                 call    #_Cos
    cmdFTan                 call    #_Tan
    cmdFLog2                call    #_Log2
    cmdFExp2                call    #_Exp2
    cmdFPow                 call    #_Pow
    cmdFFrac                call    #_Frac
    cmdFMod                 call    #_FMod
    cmdASinCos              call    #_ASinCos
    cmdATan2                call    #_ATan2
    cmdCeil                 call    #_Ceil
    cmdFloor                call    #_Floor  }

    EDIT: I have almost immediately regretted taking on Sliding Mode Control. After reading a few papers on it and realized how advanced the control may get, I believe this will be the last implementation of the object. The PID will be completely optimized and accurate as well as the Root Locus control. Other simpler controls will be added upon suggestion and discovery.

    I have realized that the need for the process function is a high priority. So a method will need to be created to identify a pseudo-code equation with given inputs and variables i.e :
    Controllers.SMC(x^2 + ax + a, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3)
    where the process is x^2 + ax + a
    and the gains are alpha1, alpha2, alpha3.

    This is just an example of what need to be done, not the actual code required. Because for a system you have a process and a controller. The function of a system is the process * the controller ( in real simplified terms). TF = Gp * Gc
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