What two values for VGA R-2R resistor ladder?

This shows that for a 4bit dac I would need five of the 2R and three of the R

Finding a complete r2r array with right values for the prop vga is probably impossible.
This R=200ohm one could be close, it's SIP and I'm looking for SMD
So for my 12bit-rgb vga I was thinking going with isolated array(s) with a total 15 individual 2R
and a second array of nine individual R
One option would be to get 33 of the 2R and put nine sets of two in parallel to make the R

Finding a complete r2r array with right values for the prop vga is probably impossible.
This R=200ohm one could be close, it's SIP and I'm looking for SMD
So for my 12bit-rgb vga I was thinking going with isolated array(s) with a total 15 individual 2R
and a second array of nine individual R
One option would be to get 33 of the 2R and put nine sets of two in parallel to make the R
Attached is some info I gleaned off the interweb while surfing for R2R information.
Bourns and IRC make R2R ladder networks (not sure if they meet your requirements).
3.3 * 75 / (75 + R) = peek volt
As the props output will be closer to 3.0v
So with R=180ohm and R2=360: peek Vout=0.88
But using all 470 ohm (+470s in parallel) probably best
Isn't peek suppose to be 0.7v ?
But Linus made his 0-1v peek, maybe due to blanking level is 350mV that offsets it?
Or that some monitors can adjust for it?