Mixing Arduino with Parallax
Just because you use Arduino dosen't mean Parallax can't help. I've noticed there is quite a bit of "how do I get this Parallax product to work with my Arduino" on the Arduino sites
But yeah, generally speaking, if you're going to make & sell widgets that can be used with other widgets, it's not unreasonable to have some level of support, even if it's just decent code examples.
A wise businessman once told me there is tons of money to be made in a "niche market"...
So... Perhaps Gadget Gangster / Parallax has or could have some sort of standard Arduino interface board. Then Propeller products could be made to easily connect to the Arduino and could do something the Arduino can't now do. Something they want, but is beyond the Arduino.
And the product would be plug and play. All programming for the Propeller part already done for them. They would just need to add a few simple commands to their Arduino. Also low cost.
And I think that is what these people want. Something which works right now with little or no effort/reading? And low cost?
It's been done. Martin Hodge has a very nice Propeller board that's compatible with Arduino shields. Andr
No angel came in to minister to them and deliver them a "lib" on a silver platter either.
PE - So far as I know, no one has started a "let's bash the arduina" subject here either. But, the arduinettes do and have come around here slopping their fertiliser.
Which arduina thingy does somebody figure the Parallax world is in dire need of?
Name it, link it.
I'm not setting anybody up.
What's the deal?
Go ahead.
I'll wait.
Arduino users do not require shields. There is plenty of work done with Arduinos, including tutorials, where everything is done with a breadboard. Nothing prevents you from using Parallax hardware this way.
PS. I get really tired of people calling other people names (even in jest) or referring to other platforms using non-standard names. It presents a negative image on the forum and it makes it very difficult to search for things.
(1: Publicity
(2: Electronics/programming newbies
(3: Fair "comparison charts [or articles]" in MAKE magazine that don't lie
Oh, you meant hardware/software? Nothing. Maybe a C compiler for the Propeller, but we have Catalina, so.... ????
BTW, FWIW, what I tire of is fixing problems that don't exist... oh, and solutions in search of problems. It's a waste of bandwidth, but, just for the record, I didn't start the thread... or the hand-wringing. Just trying to be practical.
PE - Big Epiphany: How about you chaps with a soft-spot for arduina, all of you ministering angels, petition for an *arduina outreach forum* and then you can write "libs" for all the arduinettes. And Parallax can start stocking unas and doin'-mucha-nadas, maybe even Jameco's "Ardweenies" (there's a moniker asking for trouble.) It's not me. What do you want here? Just trying to be practical.
Gosh, it's past two hours, and still no takers.
Well, I for one love using the Sparkfun 9DOF IMU [http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9623], which is Arduino powered. In fact, I liked it so well, that I went ahead and integrated it right into my next generation Wingman (Prop powered handheld EFIS.)
With a single Prop, I was pushing the limits of what I could do, but by adding a simple Atmel to the mix, I was able to offload a large portion of math (Kalman filters, individual sensor i/o, etc.) onto the Atmel and let the Prop do more important things.
They make a nice combo in my opinion.
Then make a compatable Propeller gizmo which does that, then the Arduino folks would buy it to attach to their Arduinos...
By the way Parallax Semi was mentioned on the Adafruit weekly video stream tonight.
nice , but no analog pins for use