SPIN loader command line tool for ARM processors

This is i guess the X.5th software for loading the Propeller
the reason for this port is that i have found no program for booting the
Propeller from an ARM processor.
This software is a tiny modification from
Luis R. Hilario B, s., (luisdigital@gmail.com)
software. As far as i know its based on the Visual Basic code from
anybody else....frmloader.frm is the source file..i didn't find the original posting in the forum anymore, sorry..
Its written in freepascal
( sorry, its exotic nowadays, but the best language is the language you can speak, or write...)
This version should work on Windows (tested on XP), Linux x386 (tested on SUSE) and
LinuxARM (Gumstix with OMAP Processor TI35XX and Linux overo 2.6.34 #1 Wed Oct 20 10:22:48 PDT 2010 arm7l)
compilespinload.pl is a script for compiling spinload.pas on a Linux 386 system for ARM Linux
it must be adapted for your Linux installation, paths etc.
start.pl is an example for running the spinload on ARM Linux with port gpio186 as reset pin.
start.bat is an example for running spinload on Windows
spinload.exe is the Winwos binary
spinloadlinux386 is the binary for Linux 386
spinload is the binary for ARM
WARNING: This program is a quite dirty hack !!!
I have included the serial.pp from Sebastian Guenter, because this may not installed with all freepascal versions.
I have taken nearly the same syntax then Brad Campell:
Herer the description of bstl a similar program from
Brad Campbell:
If you show help with -h, it will tell you the device it has defaulted to after its search.
You can specify the device you want to use with -d
So ..
bstl.osx -d /dev/tty.usbserial-xxyyzz demo.binary
bstl.linux -d /dev/ttyUSB1 demo.binary
bstl.exe -d COM3 Demo.binary
Running the program with no parameters will simply try and detect a Propeller chip.
You can use -p1 -p2 or -p3 to load Ram or EEProm (use -h for details).
...end snip
So my syntax is
In Unix:
call spinload -d /dev/ttyS0 -p1 test.binary
or in Windows
spinload -d COM1 -p1 test.binary
-p1 = loading RAM
-p2 = loading EEPROM
-p3 = loading RAM and EEPROM and start ?
-r gpi0186 = use GPIO Port 186 instead of the DTR pin, this is a very special featureonyl working if the gpio driver in Linux
us installed, and no DTR prin is available.
the reason for this port is that i have found no program for booting the
Propeller from an ARM processor.
This software is a tiny modification from
Luis R. Hilario B, s., (luisdigital@gmail.com)
software. As far as i know its based on the Visual Basic code from
anybody else....frmloader.frm is the source file..i didn't find the original posting in the forum anymore, sorry..
Its written in freepascal
( sorry, its exotic nowadays, but the best language is the language you can speak, or write...)
This version should work on Windows (tested on XP), Linux x386 (tested on SUSE) and
LinuxARM (Gumstix with OMAP Processor TI35XX and Linux overo 2.6.34 #1 Wed Oct 20 10:22:48 PDT 2010 arm7l)
compilespinload.pl is a script for compiling spinload.pas on a Linux 386 system for ARM Linux
it must be adapted for your Linux installation, paths etc.
start.pl is an example for running the spinload on ARM Linux with port gpio186 as reset pin.
start.bat is an example for running spinload on Windows
spinload.exe is the Winwos binary
spinloadlinux386 is the binary for Linux 386
spinload is the binary for ARM
WARNING: This program is a quite dirty hack !!!
I have included the serial.pp from Sebastian Guenter, because this may not installed with all freepascal versions.
I have taken nearly the same syntax then Brad Campell:
Herer the description of bstl a similar program from
Brad Campbell:
If you show help with -h, it will tell you the device it has defaulted to after its search.
You can specify the device you want to use with -d
So ..
bstl.osx -d /dev/tty.usbserial-xxyyzz demo.binary
bstl.linux -d /dev/ttyUSB1 demo.binary
bstl.exe -d COM3 Demo.binary
Running the program with no parameters will simply try and detect a Propeller chip.
You can use -p1 -p2 or -p3 to load Ram or EEProm (use -h for details).
...end snip
So my syntax is
In Unix:
call spinload -d /dev/ttyS0 -p1 test.binary
or in Windows
spinload -d COM1 -p1 test.binary
-p1 = loading RAM
-p2 = loading EEPROM
-p3 = loading RAM and EEPROM and start ?
-r gpi0186 = use GPIO Port 186 instead of the DTR pin, this is a very special featureonyl working if the gpio driver in Linux
us installed, and no DTR prin is available.

Excellent, just what I need:)
Just so happens I have been working with a large Free Pascal program recently that is to be run on ARM boards:
Had a devil of a job to get the Free Pascal Compiler to build ARM binaries with the fast floating point support (VFPV3).
Anyway, given that that kind of board runs a full up Ubuntu Linux I started to champaign for BradC to build BSTC and BSTL for it so that one could do Prop development there.
Your loader now at least enables one to build embedded ARM systems that will boot their attached peripheral Propeller chips.
Can't wait to try it out but that will not be until Monday.
Thats is what i like to do, one or two Propellers as I/O processors for the ARM, maybe running PropForth...