Sx28 debug not working
I've been trying to get my de-bugger working for a while now. The sx usb key rev b programs the chip fine, but when i'm running debug the step/run/jog functions are all grayed out. I tried running a "debug_test" program I found on this forum, still no help. The external resonator is not conencted to the chip, and i'm using an external DC power supply with 10 volts into a 5volt regulator.
I have tried it on my Vista laptop at home, and an XP at uni.
Any clue about what's going on?
I've been trying to get my de-bugger working for a while now. The sx usb key rev b programs the chip fine, but when i'm running debug the step/run/jog functions are all grayed out. I tried running a "debug_test" program I found on this forum, still no help. The external resonator is not conencted to the chip, and i'm using an external DC power supply with 10 volts into a 5volt regulator.
I have tried it on my Vista laptop at home, and an XP at uni.
Any clue about what's going on?
How are you getting into the debugger? A common mistake is to use Run->Program (or CTRL-P) to program the chip and then using Run->Debug(reenter) (or CTRL-ALT-D) to go into debugging mode. This won't work.
You have to program the chip using Run->Debug which will program the chip with an extra bit of code that the SX-Key uses to talk to the chip for debugging. Without this code, the debugger will run, but it can't talk to the chip and the various buttons will be grayed out.
Yes, I'm using Run->Debug and it's still grayed out. I'm thinking either there is something wrong with my breadboard setup ( messy and noisy wires ) or there is something wrong with the SX key.
Here is a pictuer of it
I've tryed cleaning up the wires since the photo was taken, but no change. Any ide what it could be?
It's always tricky when you're having problems with a custom circuit, especially one on a breadboard. Do you have a Parallax board that you can test on to make sure the chip and SX-Key are working properly? Without that, it's hard to know exactly where the problem is.
The other problem is that the USB version of the SX-Key has always been more fussy about going into debug mode properly than the older serial key. Are you running the latest version of the SX-Key IDE and the FTDI driver USB driver?