Propeller Multicore Starter Kit

I finished assembling my starter kit... most of the work was on the Protoplus board. I have to say I've found few things more tedious than soldering all those tiny leads/pads! Except, of course, reading the color codes on those dam... er, darned 1/4 watt resistors! 
Love the kit and I got the soldering technique down pretty well. Had to take off my glasses to see the pads and I managed to singe a few hairs in the process, but we be "Prop'ing".

Love the kit and I got the soldering technique down pretty well. Had to take off my glasses to see the pads and I managed to singe a few hairs in the process, but we be "Prop'ing".
I have a secret technique for soldering long rows of headers, I slide the iron over the headers at a constant speed, moving the solder along with it. Kinda hard to explain, I should do a video on it sometime...
Thanks... I did look at the video beforehand. I kind of fear that had I tried your method I'd have ended up with a long solder bus along the board! ;-)
Looked at your tutorials and went as far as I could without keyboard and mouse connections. I have the PEK and I'm rerunning the activities in that manual on the Gangster board.
I'd recommend using a multimeter - far less fiddly and you can't be fooled by red that looks brown etc. My meter has a little gadget to plug in for measuring leaded components like this.
@Amanda, adding a keyboard to your Protoplus is a snap! You'll want a couple 10k & 100ohm resistors and and a PS/2 connector and you'll be in business.