"Similar Threads" = zombie threads?

At the bottom of every thread page is a reference to "Similar Threads". In most cases, these have nothing at all to do with the subject of the thread in which they appear, having been put there by an over-simplistic robo-script that looks for out-of-context keywords. Moreover, I suspect -- but can't prove -- that the spate of old threads that have been revived as if they were current is due to the links in this section.
I propose that we do away with the "Similar Threads" section altogether. It serves no purpose other than to revive long-undead zombie threads, which doesn't seem all that useful to me.
I propose that we do away with the "Similar Threads" section altogether. It serves no purpose other than to revive long-undead zombie threads, which doesn't seem all that useful to me.
No one would have suspected the Thread Necromancer was actually the kind forums, and now that Parallax Semiconductor is up and running well we have more time to look at these issues.
We'll push the necromancer back into its catacomb and stop this zombie uprising, but first we'll run some tests. Maybe if we make the auto-similar robot a little smarter in the relevance department it will behave a little better.
I don't want threads about people jumping underneath desks for cover when I'm talking about cute baby ducks, unless you happen to have anatidaephobia.
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