Question:Trying to figure out code for R/C Transmitter to Prop chip using prob basic?
Hello, im working on a senior project and need help with code, i am writing in prob basic. I want to use three channels on a R/C transmitter to power two motors through H-Bridges. Two channels will be fore the two motors and the third channel with be the channel 5 swtich and is for the Enable on the h-bridges. I am having lots of trouble writing code from the transmitter to the prop board in prob-basic and into the h-bridges. The two channels will control one motor each through their own seperate h-bridges.
I know that my transmitter is set up as follows:
1.1-1.44 = "Low"
1.45-1.55 = "Dead Zone"
1.56/1.91 = "High"
The trouble im having is the initial pulse in code to prop inputs and then into ouputs for the h-brigdges. The wiring is easy, just need help on the code.
Thanks for the help..
I know that my transmitter is set up as follows:
1.1-1.44 = "Low"
1.45-1.55 = "Dead Zone"
1.56/1.91 = "High"
The trouble im having is the initial pulse in code to prop inputs and then into ouputs for the h-brigdges. The wiring is easy, just need help on the code.
Thanks for the help..
Hello, thats the thing, i used a basic stamp for a year and a half so im not to to familiar with prob basic, im actually having trouble starting the code, reagarding pulsein and such..
Do you know of any code out there i can use as a guide, im on the object exchange and having alot of trouble
What type of H bridges are you controlling RC speed controllers or a custom made one?
Look at these I found in the obex
Hello, the only problem is i am writing in propbasic, i dnt have the time to learn spin. i have started the code, just having some trouble here and there with the IF statements because i have to learn hoiw to say something like...
if X > 1.1 ms and < 1.45 then FORWARD:
this is where im hung upp
syntax for multi line statement is
thanks everyone..