ed text editor

The ed text editor has been around for 40 years, and it's a standard utility in all Unix and Linux systems. So I decided to write a version of ed for the Prop. I wrote it in C and then ported it to Spin using cspin. spinix contains an early version of ed, but this latest version is more complete and it implements most of the ed commands.
Personally, I find it hard to work with ed because I have to constantly reprint a portion of the eidt buffer to find the correct line to work on. I decided to add a 'V' command to turn on a visualization mode. The visualization mode prints several lines before and after the current line after each command is executed. This makes it much easier to use ed. My ultimate goal is to implement vi on the Prop, and ed provides a basis for some of the commands used in vi.
The attached ZIP file contains the C source code, and the Spin file that was generated from it. There is an ed.exe program that runs in a DOS window under windows. There's also an ed.binary that runs under SpinSim. The ed.spin file can be built to run directly on the Spinneret card, or the SD pin configuration can be changed in clibstub.spin for other Prop boards with an SD card.
Look at the readme.txt and ed.txt files for more information. I would be interested in any comments and feedback on bugs found in the software.
Personally, I find it hard to work with ed because I have to constantly reprint a portion of the eidt buffer to find the correct line to work on. I decided to add a 'V' command to turn on a visualization mode. The visualization mode prints several lines before and after the current line after each command is executed. This makes it much easier to use ed. My ultimate goal is to implement vi on the Prop, and ed provides a basis for some of the commands used in vi.
The attached ZIP file contains the C source code, and the Spin file that was generated from it. There is an ed.exe program that runs in a DOS window under windows. There's also an ed.binary that runs under SpinSim. The ed.spin file can be built to run directly on the Spinneret card, or the SD pin configuration can be changed in clibstub.spin for other Prop boards with an SD card.
Look at the readme.txt and ed.txt files for more information. I would be interested in any comments and feedback on bugs found in the software.
The challenge is to ensure that the display stays in sync with the edit buffer, and supporting various terminal types.
The attached zip file contains the C and Spin source for ed and vi. The ex editor can be enabled by typing "Q" to exit out of the visual mode in vi. Of course, you can also use ":" to run a single ex command in vi. I use the command "V" instead of "vi" to return back to the visual mode.
The files readme.txt, ed.txt and vi.txt provide information on how to run the programs. There are ed.exe and vi.exe files that run in a DOS window under Windows. The ed.binary and vi.binary are SpinSim executables, and the Spin source is provided to build executables for the Prop hardware.
Just don't do another 190 updates, it could get deadly then! lol
Caslan wrote PREDITOR a while back. It's using a GAP-BUFFER which simply stays on SD-card. Depending on the size of the "virtual"-memory available, you can edit huge files this way. Maybe you want to have a look at that editor?
I'll have to look at PREDITOR to see how the virtual memory is handled. I'm not too concerned about editing big files at this point, but it's certainly something I would like to add.
All characters in front of the cursor are in front part of the buffer, all characters behind the cursor are at the end of the buffer. The middle is free for editing. Of course you still need some pointers to the beginning of each line, but that's only 2 bytes (for HUB RAM version or 4 bytes for virtual mem version).
I don't remember good enough, but the gap buffer was also discussed in a thread - either in the preditor thread or in it's own.