Separating the prop from the PST
Does anyone know how I can disable the PST after I start my method, unplug the prop from my computer where it now runs alone. After some time I can come back and reconnect the prop to the computer and restart the PST to check the progress of the program without stopping the current program that is running?
I am able to disable and enable the PST without any problems but I can not unplug the serial cable from the port and reconnect it without terminating the program.
I am able to disable and enable the PST without any problems but I can not unplug the serial cable from the port and reconnect it without terminating the program.
If you make the reset-input switchable you can disconnect the reset-input and then connect again.
Now it depends on the board you are using how easy or difficult it is to make the reset-input switchable.
Another possability is to use another two pins for a serial connection or if you just want the propeller to send
another single pin used as TX-line. Therefore you need an adapter-IC like the MAX3222 which converts from propeller 0/3.3V TTL to V24 +-12V
It is NOT possible to directly connect a standard comport or an USB-to-RS232 adapter to the propeller-chip.
to give further advice please write us which board you are using.
best regards
I have not tried the solution below, but "it should just work" ... famous last words. Use at your own risk - YMMV. If you do this rework, you will need to jumper the two pins for programming the propeller chip. Once it is programmed, you can remove the jumper and remove or plug in your USB cable later without affecting reset on the the Propeller chip.
A picture is attached that shows where you could do some cut/jumps to add a reset-enable header. Red is cut; green is jump. If you're careful and cut the trace in the middle, you can use the copper side of the rolled back traces to make the jumps instead of adding wires. Then you can add a jumper.
Good luck.
Sometimes offering help is satisfying, other times it is not. Good luck.