Quick question about reserve symbols
I'm pretty new to the spin language (and micro programming in general), so please forgive me if this is a really simple problem.
The RES assembly command allows an optional number of longs to be reserved, but I can't seem to figure out how to refer to any besides the first. I'm working on a project that would benefit from having four longs under one symbol, but once I declare "red res 4," from what I understand, "red" will only refer to the first long in the reserve memory at that address. How can I quickly get the address for the next few longs after the first?
The RES assembly command allows an optional number of longs to be reserved, but I can't seem to figure out how to refer to any besides the first. I'm working on a project that would benefit from having four longs under one symbol, but once I declare "red res 4," from what I understand, "red" will only refer to the first long in the reserve memory at that address. How can I quickly get the address for the next few longs after the first?
Also, the very concept of self-modifying code is very new to me.