Sign Up for an Educator's Course Today!
Attention teachers!
Have you ever wanted to bring microcontrollers or robotics to your classroom? Or maybe you know of a teacher that's been wanting to get started with electronics and programming?
Well then join us for an Educator's Course this summer! Or just pass the word along to anyone you think is interested!
Hope to see you there! :]
Have you ever wanted to bring microcontrollers or robotics to your classroom? Or maybe you know of a teacher that's been wanting to get started with electronics and programming?
Well then join us for an Educator's Course this summer! Or just pass the word along to anyone you think is interested!
Hope to see you there! :]
Could you suggest to the educators that they stay and attend UPEW?
I *KNOW FOR A FACT* there are going to be some interesting educational products there this year :-)
(look at the photo's below for some examples - there will be more... and almost all of them work just as well with a BasicStamp!)