Advice needed selecting sensor for quadcopter

Hi all. I am looking for advice on selection of an accelerometer and gyroscope for a quadcopter project I am starting. I'll be using a propeller as MCU-- likely the Gadget Gangster Propeller Platform as I have 3 or 4 of them.
I am considering the module for GG: ... but haven't quite visualized the interface yet.
Otherwise I am considering the hitachi from Parallax:
...combined with gyroscope also from Parallax:
I am open to suggestions and pointers from anyone that may have traveled down this path before me!
Thanks in advance,
I am considering the module for GG: ... but haven't quite visualized the interface yet.
Otherwise I am considering the hitachi from Parallax:
...combined with gyroscope also from Parallax:
I am open to suggestions and pointers from anyone that may have traveled down this path before me!
Thanks in advance,
ITG-3200 :
ADXL345 :
Both use I2C interfaces, and therefore don't require an external ADC. The ITG has user-settable sample and filtering rates, and has a 16-bit on-board ADC. The accelerometer is 1G=8 bit, giving 13 bit precision total over the whole range.
The two together are about the same price as the Gadget Gangster module. I have a combined driver for the two chips that uses PASM in one cog to communicate with both at 200Hz (though it will support much higher rates).
The gyro also has a temperature sensor on board which can be used for drift compensation. (My code does this too, though it's set specifically for my gyro).
This vid is my quad using ONLY the gyro (no accelerometer at all):
Toward the end I take my hands off the controller for about 10 seconds to show how stable it is.
And this is the same board using both, though I haven't gotten anything flying with it yet:
I've been reading that people have had some issues getting the "extra" fusing feature to work properly, but you can just read the gyro and accelerometer raw data, and so it's like having the two separate boards in one. I plan to make an attempt at some point to get the DMP (that extra fusing thing) working...but Probably not in the short term...
@Cluso99 - I had forgotten about the Wii controllers! I'm sure my kids wouldn't miss one or two!! LOL
Moreover the Nunchuk hosts also the button+joystick interface. I was able to cut the board in half, leaving only the accelerometers, reducing the size.
In my case there were two "dents" on the PCB suggesting a cutting line...
Cool, I have those too! I'm going to take one apart this weekend. Time to learn I2C!!
This website has all the information you need for talking with the Motion Plus (along with any other of the extension controllers for the Wii): It details the data format of the I2C bytes you read back from it.