Are Pulldown resistors required for PROP I/O to ULN2803A Device?
I need to hook up 16 Prop I/O Pins to a ULN2803A Device ( Darling Array ).
I understand that when the PROP chip starts up there is a small period of time ( under half a second??) where all the I/O Pins are FLOATING ( hi Impedance), These 16 I/O pins will be set to OUTPUTS in my INIT CODE, and a LOGIC HI will drive the ULN2803A Device when needed.
So my question is..
Q1) Is it best to pull down by default, each of the 16 I/O Lines to VSS via 10K Resistor?
Q2) Will this prevent "UNWANTED" signals during start up?
Q3) Is a series resistor required between the PROP I/O pins and the ULN2803A Inputs?
Dave M
I need to hook up 16 Prop I/O Pins to a ULN2803A Device ( Darling Array ).
I understand that when the PROP chip starts up there is a small period of time ( under half a second??) where all the I/O Pins are FLOATING ( hi Impedance), These 16 I/O pins will be set to OUTPUTS in my INIT CODE, and a LOGIC HI will drive the ULN2803A Device when needed.
So my question is..
Q1) Is it best to pull down by default, each of the 16 I/O Lines to VSS via 10K Resistor?
Q2) Will this prevent "UNWANTED" signals during start up?
Q3) Is a series resistor required between the PROP I/O pins and the ULN2803A Inputs?
Dave M
A1) not necessary
A2) The darlington will be switched off while the pin is an input (because of the 7.2k and 3k resistors to Ground)
A3) no there is already a 2.7k series resistor
Thanks for the reply, I like your answer as now I don't have to try to fit the resistors in! as I don't have much room!
Looking at the schematic makes sense now, I only briefly looked at it when selecting this device.