Mosfet Transistor question Pchannel and Nchannel
How does one find the firing voltage to turn on a mosfet transistor? I am trying to fire the below transistor with the output of a 555 timer. I am trying to make a headlight modulator using a astable 555 timer. I have a 1 ohm headlight wired to the Drain of the mosfet and Source to ground. However, the 555 timer is not able to fire the mosfet.
Gate-Source threshold voltage
"Firing" is for TRIACs and SCRs
PE -- Here's a link to a bit more discussion --
Since that's a P-Channel Mosfet, the Source will need to go to the Vsupply, while the Drain goes to one side of the light and the other side of the light goes to ground. The 555 will also need to be powered by the Vsupply in order to turn the transistor OFF which brings up another issue. If this is to flash a lamp on and off, then you needn't worry, but if the 555 is to be used as a one-shot ... for example to keep the lights on for an extended period of time after the car has been turned off, then I would suggest using an N-Channel Mosfet transistor instead. Otherwise, the voltage will need to remain HIGH at the gate of the transistor to keep it off.
Perhaps a more serious warning... the P-Channel transistor has an Rds"ON" of 0.6 Ohms and you are connecting a 1 Ohm load. at a 12V supply, that's 7.5 Amps... your transistor is only rated for a maximum 6.8 Amps.... It's likely to get very hot trying to dissipate 34 Watts of heat, and not likely to last very long.
There are better suited transistors for the job but it depends on what it is you exactly want to do.
PJ was a lot of help when he mentioned the VGS threshold was the information to look at when dealing with Mosfets, but it confused me a little when I couldn't get the P-channel mosfet to turn off with 12 volts. I had one side of the lamp connected to Vsupply and the negative side of the lamp connected to Drain while the source was connected to ground. Now I see where I went wrong after reading your reply, but I am still wondering WHY it didn't work the way I had it wired.
Although the output of the 555 timer does not reach full +Vs or 0V, I should still be okay since the VGS threshold for the above mentioned P-channel mosfet is 4V. However I now realize, after reading the data sheet correctly, I will have to use a voltage divider due to the Vsupply for the timer being 12v. Plus, I also have to find a mosfet that will handle the current. One thing I will need you to clarify, though. Why would I need to run the risk of the mosfet not turning off when the VGS threshold has a max of 4V? Am I missing something else?
I could also use an N-channel mosfet as an inverted not gate and still have the headlight stay full on. Basically, I need the light to be full on when the toggle switch is activated for ON position #1 and modulating when the switch is activated for ON position #2. I am stating this correctly?
"I will have to use a voltage divider" - You don't need a divider, the maximum Vgs voltage for that transistor (and several others) is 20V, but you always should double check with the datasheet.