Key ring camera ??
Solved - do not search for three letter word using Advanced Search.
Saw it under "DVR" but cannot find it again using Advanced Search. Please help.
Several months ago there was a heated discussion on forum about these key ring / key chain spy recording cameras.
For a life of me - I cannot find it using advanced search.
Anybody remembers that and can give me a different keyword than -"spy camera video keyring " ??
Saw it under "DVR" but cannot find it again using Advanced Search. Please help.
Several months ago there was a heated discussion on forum about these key ring / key chain spy recording cameras.
For a life of me - I cannot find it using advanced search.
Anybody remembers that and can give me a different keyword than -"spy camera video keyring " ??
If not, when searching just add a * on the end to get past the three letter limit... ie search for DVR*
And this :
Good luck
The inmate ( A. Cooper “The inmates are running the asylum “) who designed the search engine “forgot” that electronics terminology is full of three letter stuff acronyms ( LCD, AVR etc.)
PS I am sure there are instructions on how not to search for three letter word, but who reads the manual.
There are many sellers that sell poor copies of these little
cameras and you do not want to get a bad one. Erco
may know which are which still and be able to advise
you. Plus there is a website devoted to these cams, that
site was linked from a post in ercos's original thread about
the cams.
These are easily controlled by a uC, just pop them open
and it is easy to make connections.
thanks for the heads up.
As little as I buy on e-bay I came to conclusion that e-bay practice to have feedback on sales have the sellers so scared they do not dare sell junk.
Unfortunately when I buy something it has to meet my specification and if it does not than the e-mails start flying back and forth until one of us gives up.
For instance I got an USB camera guaranteed to work in Windows 2000. It does not because it is made or is a copy of from an outfit who does not make Windows 2000 driver compatible USB cameras.
So, I am out of few $ (temporary, I'll find use for the camera soon) and guess what – the seller keeps after me to leave “positive” feedback!
Call me ornery , but fat change of that happening.
Sometime I wonder if e-bay charges sellers with less than 100 positive feedback more commission.