control I/o voltage assembly help
I can not seem to figure out how to increase the voltage being output from my chip, it just wants to sit around .5v when I want the full 3.3
this is done in assembly
this is done in assembly
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
PUB Main
{Launch cog to toggle P16 endlessly}
cognew(@Toggle, 0) 'Launch new cog
{Toggle P16}
ORG 0 'Begin at Cog RAM addr 0
mov dira, Pin 'Set Pin to output
mov Time, cnt 'Calculate delay time
add Time, #$f 'Set initial delay here
waitcnt Time, Delay 'Wait
xor outa, Pin 'Toggle Pin
jmp #:loop 'Loop endlessly
Pin long |< 16 'Pin number
Delay long 600 'Clock cycles to delay
Time res 1 'System Counter Workspac
this was taken from's propeller assembly guide.
It works just fine in gear (which is what the tutorial is more worried about) but obviously when I try to put it onto the chip it does not output correctly.
thanks in advance
well that might be a problem right there, I am not getting that output, no matter what pin I assign it to.
I am not sure exactly what I am expecting, this is from a beginners guide to parallax assembly. At one point during this example he mentions hooking up an LED to the output, but no results. And now I am here hoping to get this little light to simply light up
I am using the diagram from the propeller manual w/o the eeprom or crystal
the propeller tool identifies the chip as a propeller chip version 1
Is there anything I can use to check and make sure my chip is actually getting and running the code I am sending it besides the little lights it shows right when you tell it to run?
awesome my lights a blinking and now I can stop thinking my chips all broke and get to some real programming!!
thanks a bunch for trouble shooting my super lame code!