C3+PotatoText+keyboard test run
I found a small TV set with an RCA plug, so I am giving this a shot. The PotatoText driver is a very nice driver, but it is missing a few things. I am trying to get a key press displayed to the screen, not working for me. I would also like to add a blinking cursor, but I am not sure how to handle that. I like the gotoxy string function, but I am not sure if that would be the appropriate way to handle a blinky cursor. Other than that, the driver is works quite well.
''C3_po_030.spin OBJ term : "potato_text_start_012.spin" key : "keyboard_010.spin" PUB Main term.Start(40) Start PUB Start | c term.charsperline(80) term.colormode($070b) '' Sets up white on blue term.ClearText($20) '' This is neccesary term.PrintChar("A") term.PrintChar($10) term.PrintString(string("This is a test line!")) repeat c:=key.getkey term.PrintChar(c)
So, now back on topic, I guess I will have to use the VGA , in the most minimal way, maybe debugging, or something along those lines.