VRbot, SayIt module
Hi, I'm working with the VRbot SayIt module, but I'm trying to control it with a Freescale MC. The problem is no matter what I send to the module, it keeps responding the same I send. I wrote my source code in C. Can anyone help me with this problem??
This is a Parallax support forum for Parallax devices. The problem you're having is most likely in your C code or the wiring and neither of those have anything to do with Parallax products. We don't have documentation on non-Parallax microcontrollers. Try the Freescale support forums. Sorry.
This keeps coming up from time to time. Presumably people know that this is a good place to get advice and help. Unfortunately, every microcontroller is different and their software is different even though functionally they're similar and it's usually in the differences where the problem can can be found. Most Parallax programming examples are in PBasic for the Stamps or in Spin for the Propeller. There is some C code for the Propeller, but the Propeller is a very different sort of microcontroller than most others and the C sample code is unlikely to be very helpful.