Whatever happened to 8051?
I've seen AVRs, and PIC everywhere. And even the 68HC11 in my workplace (university) before the lecturers changed it to PIC to suit modern times.
But, where is 8051 nowadays? It seems hobbyists had forgotten about that, or abandoned it for the AVRs. Anyone played with the 8051s before?
But, where is 8051 nowadays? It seems hobbyists had forgotten about that, or abandoned it for the AVRs. Anyone played with the 8051s before?

The 8051 is old, but it's the GREATEST!
It took a little be of getting used to to working with the mixed voltages (3.3V and 5V) on projects but now that I've done it a few times it isn't too bad. The extra power and flexibility of the Propeller more than make up for it. If your projects don't leverage any of the advantages of the Propeller (code in OBEX, etc) then I can understand. However you still may want to keep the Propeller in mind for future projects. I have a couple projects that use the old 8031 and 8042 chips which will probably stay as they are as long as I can continue to get those chips. For new projects the Propeller is proving to be very useful.
What kind of 5V devices were you connecting to? Were the connections to the Propeller mostly outputs, inputs, or used as both? Some of the interfacing can be as simple as a resistor inline with the I/O pin. In a couple cases where I needed a bit more drive I used a 74HC14 chip on the output of the Prop which ran at 5V to drive other devices.