What a deal! Robot for only $22,126.87
I can't believe the prices at this web site!
Neat stuff but You can buy a car for the price of this robot...
You can get the Pelican Case 16-Channel Remote for just another $1,120.50
Attachment not found.
Neat stuff but You can buy a car for the price of this robot...
You can get the Pelican Case 16-Channel Remote for just another $1,120.50
Attachment not found.
They would want total quality and reliability. Plus they probably don't want it to emit any electrical sparks so it could be used in a room filled with explosive gas and not ignite it with a spark from a relay or whatever (explosion proof or Class [whatever] for use in certain environments).
And they would not want it to emit any electrical signals which could trigger a blasting cap on an explosive device. (How there are warning signs saying "Turn off two way radio" near explosives, etc.)
And they would not want the signals to easily be jammed.
And they would not want someone to be able to "listen in" to the control signals possibly (encrypted / secure).
And ya da, ya da, ya da...
Also to comply with all this stuff, you need to go through all sorts of testing, paperwork, and red tape.
To give you an idea of all this stuff...
Explosion Proof classes...
"Due precautions shall be taken to prevent accidental discharge of electric blasting caps from current induced by radar, radio transmitters, lightning, adjacent power lines, dust storms, or other sources of extraneous electricity."...
1: build robot.
2: Fill room with perfect air/fuel ratio
3: Operate Robot
4: Big Boom
5: Redesign and go back to step one