Quadcopter flight test #1
15 minutes and counting.....
Test #1 is a simple lift/flight test. The UAV is tethered to the floor.
Will post a video (or pictures of the pieces) and results when complete.
Test #1 is a simple lift/flight test. The UAV is tethered to the floor.
Will post a video (or pictures of the pieces) and results when complete.
1st run not enough output
2nd run still not enough output ( bout 30% duty cycle)
3rd run better....(bout 50% duty cycle), but, tooooo much proportional gain.
The motor output was slowly increased until it was hovering about 2 inches. It then started to tilt one direction and immediately flipped the other direction. Broke a propeller, and dislodge the Sharp IR sensors.
I decreased the gain and modified a few variables. Second flight test will be tomorrow.
Sad to say I have videos of the first two runs but decided not to tape the third. I'll tape all tests tomorrow just in case it crashes again.
Modified the PID gain variables ( less aggressive)
Modified the IMU sample rates and accuracy (higher sample rate and a little more accuracy)
Added shut down process if process is out of bounds. i.e.- if UAV is about to do a flip it will hopefully shut off the motors before it hits the ground.
Added more anchors to the ground to help prevent a possible flip.
I have a few videos but I can't seem to get them off my phone. I'll keep trying.
It did get off the ground, remember its tethered though. I did about 8-10 test runs. For some reason it keeps wanting to go left. I'll have to double check all the sensors and motor outputs.
Somewhat unstable at the moment. These things are very, very touchy.
The reason I stopped was because the batteries went dead after 8-10 test runs. Each test run only ran a total of 10 sec. Hmmmm..... this isn't very good. But I was expecting this considering the size of the frame and that the motors are running around 50% duty cycle.
I need a more spacious area to test in....Also need to tune the PID more.