When to use global variables vs using method RETURN variables
I am slowly working my way into the SPIN language and was wondering if there is any accepted good programming practice of when to use a method RETURN variable vs just declaring the variable as a global.
I was writing a simple object to monitor battery voltage (prop system supply) using a RC circuit and RC time counter. It became apparent that this simple object (as practically any programming task) could be written either way:
Using Global Vars:
Using Return Values:
I think the global var procedure is a little easier to read and understand, but I am wondering if there is a better chance of problems due to the fact that any method could conceivably access the vars meant for use by the voltage measuring object? Less global variables the better?
Any opinions/ anecdotal good/bad knowledge/stories?
I was writing a simple object to monitor battery voltage (prop system supply) using a RC circuit and RC time counter. It became apparent that this simple object (as practically any programming task) could be written either way:
Using Global Vars:
CON _clkmode = xtal1 '+ pll16x 'Using no PLL so I can use damaged PPB _xinfreq = 5_000_000 'PIN CONNECTIONS debugLED = 0 'FOR TESTING Vdd = 14 'voltage to monitor 'calculated constants for calculating Vx c1 = 26615 c2 = 18 VAR long rct long Vx OBJ PST: "Parallax Serial Terminal" 'FOR TESTING PUB MAIN 'init PST.start(9600) 'TEST 'dira[debugLED] := 1 'TEST repeat getVoltage(vdd) PST.dec(Vx) PST.newline waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) !outa[debugLED] PUB getVoltage(inPin) getRCT(inPin) Vx := c1/rct*10+(c1//rct*10/rct) + (10 * c2) PUB getRCT(inPin) 'init outa[inPin] := 0 'low dira[inPin] := 1 'output rct := 0 'zero counter waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) 'pause 1 sec to drain cap dira[inPin] := 0 'input repeat until ina[inPin] <> 0 rct++
Using Return Values:
CON _clkmode = xtal1 '+ pll16x 'Using no PLL so I can use damaged PPB _xinfreq = 5_000_000 'PIN CONNECTIONS debugLED = 0 'FOR TESTING Vdd = 14 'voltage to monitor 'calculated constants for calculating Vx c1 = 26615 c2 = 18 OBJ PST: "Parallax Serial Terminal" 'FOR TESTING PUB MAIN 'init PST.start(9600) 'TEST 'dira[debugLED] := 1 'TEST repeat PST.dec(getVoltage(vdd)) PST.newline waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) '!outa[debugLED] PUB getVoltage(inPin) : Vx | rct rct := getRCT(inPin) Vx := c1/rct*10+(c1//rct*10/rct) + (10 * c2) PUB getRCT(inPin) : rct 'init outa[inPin] := 0 'low dira[inPin] := 1 'output rct := 0 'zero counter waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) 'pause 1 sec to drain cap dira[inPin] := 0 'input repeat until ina[inPin] <> 0 rct++
I think the global var procedure is a little easier to read and understand, but I am wondering if there is a better chance of problems due to the fact that any method could conceivably access the vars meant for use by the voltage measuring object? Less global variables the better?
Any opinions/ anecdotal good/bad knowledge/stories?
I just realized that global vars are not accessible from other objects, so I think the RETURN variable is the way to go as to exploit the power of spin (ie build lots of useful objects that can be easily thrown together to make a quick solution to the task at hand....)