LCD Question
I have been using the attached object lcd.spin to generate text on my LCD. It works great and I would rather not change the wiring but I need the ability generate custom characters. I would like to use the LCD character creator to generate characters. It can be downloaded from Parallax using the link below. Is there an object in the OBX that will allow me to do this with out me changing my wiring configuration or can the attached lcd.spin be modified to do so?
I just know enough to be dangerous so bare with me.
I just know enough to be dangerous so bare with me.
There is a demo LCD program in the obex that downloads a special character font to the lcd. However, you can only download a small number of characters (IIRC 32 characters only???). This may not be what you require.
In ObEx:
There is a demo in the archive that shows how to create and use custom characters.