SpinSocket(tm) Platform Development Board
The SpinSocket(tm) modules are so small that they need a development board. Here it is.
This board focuses on battery power and flexibility. Features include:

The HH-3643 enclosure the board is designed to fit looks like this.
This board focuses on battery power and flexibility. Features include:
- 2 SpinSockets with flexible power configuration options
- Propeller Platform compatible footprint
- LiPo-Lion battery charger with jumper selectable charge type (JP2)
- PropPlug and header for second module
- Reset Button and Reset Enable header (JP3)
- Jumper selectable SpinSocket powered VDD (JP1 & JP5)
- Jumper selectable VCC (JP4)
- LiPo or AA battery power (JP6)
- VCC/Charger power switch (PWR)
- VCC power on LED
- VCC or Battery power select switch (VSELECT)
- Holes designed for use with the attractive Bud Industries HH-3643 enclosure
- Usable with Propeller Platform Hand-held Kit motherboard in HB-3430 with scored breakaway
- Mostly through-hole components for kit users (2 SMD pre-stuffed parts)
The HH-3643 enclosure the board is designed to fit looks like this.
I have talked with Ken, and he's happy for me to use SpinSocket(tm) for the name of the product line.