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Can't get MAC, Gateway, Mask, or IP to set — Parallax Forums

Can't get MAC, Gateway, Mask, or IP to set

BenjBenj Posts: 66
edited 2011-05-06 11:08 in Accessories
I received my Spinneret today and have been trying to get it to, for lack of a better term, "Hello, World" and can't seem to get that far.

I'm trying to use the UDP echo code that is available in OBEX, but had to edit it because "Brilldea_W5100_SPI_Driver_Ver005.spin" is not the name of the associated .spin file, and I changed it to "W5100_SPI_Driver.spin", the file that is available on the same page of OBEX. I don't believe that is a problem, but wanted to mention it in case it is.

I changed the MAC, IP, Gateway, and Subnet Mask to settings for my network (and used the MAC that is on the sticker on the bottom of the Spinneret). When I run it, I get this in the serial terminal:
    W5100 SPI Driver Test

Initialize all addresses...
  Set MAC ID........00:08:DC:16:F0:B3
  Verified MAC ID...00:00:00:00:00:00

  Set Gateway.....
  Verified Gateway..

  Set Subnet......
  Verified Subnet...

  Set IP..........
  Verified IP.......

Initialize socket 0, port 5000
Socket 0 Status Register: 00 - socket closed

Attempting to open UDP on socket 0, port 5000...
Socket 0 Status Register: 00 - socket closed

UDP opening failed, program ending

So, I guess it isn't writing the values to the W5100 in the first place? Where to begin?



  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-04-25 14:22
    Post your code. Describe your connections and power setup.
  • BenjBenj Posts: 66
    edited 2011-04-26 08:32
    +5v to "R" and VSS to "B". The "Enable Programming" jumper is in place. I am programming with a Prop Plug. No SD card installed. Here is the code I am using, and I didn't change anything except for the OBJ definition of ETHERNET, and the IP address/MAC/Gateway.
    CON               'Constants to be located here
      ' Firmware Version
      FWmajor       = 0
      FWminor       = 4
      TxtFWdate   byte "June 13, 2010",0
      ' Processor Settings
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x     'Use the PLL to multiple the external clock by 16
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000          'An external clock of 5MHz. is used (80MHz. operation)
      ' System Definitions     
      _OUTPUT       = 1             'Sets pin to output in DIRA register
      _INPUT        = 0             'Sets pin to input in DIRA register  
      _HIGH         = 1             'High=ON=1=3.3V DC
      _ON           = 1
      _LOW          = 0             'Low=OFF=0=0V DC
      _OFF          = 0
      _ENABLE       = 1             'Enable (turn on) function/mode
      _DISABLE      = 0             'Disable (turn off) function/mode
      ' I/O Definitions of PropNET Module
      '~~~~Propeller Based I/O~~~~
      'W5100 Module Interface
      _WIZ_data0    = 0             'SPI Mode = MISO, Indirect Mode = data bit 0.
      _WIZ_miso     = 0
      _WIZ_data1    = 1             'SPI Mode = MOSI, Indirect Mode = data bit 1.
      _WIZ_mosi     = 1
      _WIZ_data2    = 2             'SPI Mode unused, Indirect Mode = data bit 2 dependent on solder jumper on board.
      _WIZ_data3    = 3             'SPI Mode = SCLK, Indirect Mode = data bit 3.
      _WIZ_sclk     = 3
      _WIZ_data4    = 4             'SPI Mode unused, Indirect Mode = data bit 4 dependent on solder jumper on board.
      _WIZ_data5    = 5             'SPI Mode unused, Indirect Mode = data bit 5 dependent on solder jumper on board.
      _WIZ_data6    = 6             'SPI Mode unused, Indirect Mode = data bit 6 dependent on solder jumper on board.
      _WIZ_data7    = 7             'SPI Mode unused, Indirect Mode = data bit 7 dependent on solder jumper on board.
      _WIZ_addr0    = 8             'SPI Mode unused, Indirect Mode = address bit 0 dependent on solder jumper on board.
      _WIZ_addr1    = 9             'SPI Mode unused, Indirect Mode = address bit 1 dependent on solder jumper on board.
      _WIZ_wr       = 10            'SPI Mode unused, Indirect Mode = /write dependent on solder jumper on board.
      _WIZ_rd       = 11            'SPI Mode unused, Indirect Mode = /read dependent on solder jumper on board.
      _WIZ_cs       = 12            'SPI Mode unused, Indirect Mode = /chip select dependent on solder jumper on board.
      _WIZ_int      = 13            'W5100 /interrupt dependent on solder jumper on board.  Shared with _OW.
      _WIZ_rst      = 14            'W5100 chip reset.
      _WIZ_scs      = 15            'SPI Mode SPI Slave Select, Indirect Mode unused dependent on solder jumper on board.
      'I2C Interface
      _I2C_scl      = 28            'Output for the I2C serial clock
      _I2C_sda      = 29            'Input/output for the I2C serial data  
      'Serial/Programming Interface (via Prop Plug Header)
      _SERIAL_tx    = 30            'Output for sending misc. serial communications via a Prop Plug
      _SERIAL_rx    = 31            'Input for receiving misc. serial communications via a Prop Plug
      ' I2C Definitions
      _EEPROM0_address = $A0        'Slave address of EEPROM
      ' Debugging Definitions
      ' Misc Definitions
      _bytebuffersize = 2000
    VAR               'Variables to be located here
      'Configuration variables for the W5100
      byte  MAC[6]                  '6 element array contianing MAC or source hardware address ex. "02:00:00:01:23:45"
      byte  Gateway[4]              '4 element array containing gateway address ex. ""
      byte  Subnet[4]               '4 element array contianing subnet mask ex. ""
      byte  IP[4]                   '4 element array containing IP address ex. ""
      'verify variables for the W5100
      byte  vMAC[6]                 '6 element array contianing MAC or source hardware address ex. "02:00:00:01:23:45"
      byte  vGateway[4]             '4 element array containing gateway address ex. ""
      byte  vSubnet[4]              '4 element array contianing subnet mask ex. ""
      byte  vIP[4]                  '4 element array containing IP address ex. ""
      long  socket                  '1 element for the socket number
      'Variables to info for where to return the data to
      byte  destIP[4]               '4 element array containing IP address ex. ""
      'Misc variables
      byte  data[_bytebuffersize]
      long  stack[50]
    OBJ               'Object declaration to be located here
      'Choose which driver to use by commenting/uncommenting the driver.  Only one can be chosen.
      ETHERNET      : "W5100_SPI_Driver.spin"                                                                 
      'The serial terminal to use  
      PST           : "Parallax Serial Terminal.spin"       'A terminal object created by Parallax, used for debugging
    PUB main | temp0, temp1, temp2
    ''  First routine to be executed in the program
    ''  because it is first PUB in the file
      PauseMSec(2_000)              'A small delay to allow time to switch to the terminal application after loading the device
      ' Start the processes in their cogs
      'Start the terminal application
      'The terminal operates at 115,200 BAUD on the USB/COM Port the Prop Plug is attached to
      'Start the W5100 driver
      ETHERNET.StartSPI(_WIZ_scs, _WIZ_sclk, _WIZ_mosi, _WIZ_miso, _WIZ_rst)
      ' Initialize the variables
      'The following variables can be adjusted by the demo user to fit in their particular network application.
      'Note the MAC ID is a locally administered address.   See Wikipedia MAC_Address 
      'MAC ID to be assigned to W5100
      MAC[0] := $00
      MAC[1] := $08
      MAC[2] := $DC
      MAC[3] := $16
      MAC[4] := $F0
      MAC[5] := $B3
      'Subnet address to be assigned to W5100
      Subnet[0] := 255
      Subnet[1] := 255
      Subnet[2] := 255
      Subnet[3] := 0
      'IP address to be assigned to W5100
      IP[0] := 192
      IP[1] := 168
      IP[2] := 64
      IP[3] := 129
      'Gateway address of the system network
      Gateway[0] := 192
      Gateway[1] := 168
      Gateway[2] := 64
      Gateway[3] := 1
      'Destination IP address - can be left zeros, the UDP echo echos to computer that sent packet
      destIP[0] := 0
      destIP[1] := 0
      destIP[2] := 0
      destIP[3] := 0
      socket := 5000
      ' Begin
      'Clear the terminal screen
      'Draw the title bar
      PST.Str(string("    W5100 SPI Driver Test  ", PST#NL, PST#NL))
      'Reset W5100 to prepare to applying settings to W5100 
      'Set the W5100 addresses
      PST.Str(string("Initialize all addresses...  ", PST#NL))  
      'Addresses should now be set and displayed in the terminal window.
      'Next initialize Socket 0 for being the echo
      PST.Str(string("Initialize socket 0, port "))
      'Testing Socket 0's status register and display information
      PST.Str(string("Socket 0 Status Register: "))
      ETHERNET.readSPI(ETHERNET#_S0_SR, @temp0, 1)
      case temp0
        ETHERNET#_SOCK_CLOSED : PST.Str(string("00 - socket closed", PST#NL, PST#NL))
        ETHERNET#_SOCK_UDP    : PST.Str(string("22 - socket UDP open", PST#NL, PST#NL))
      'Try opening a socket using a ASM method
      PST.Str(string("Attempting to open UDP on socket 0, port "))
      PST.Str(string("...", PST#NL))
      ETHERNET.SocketOpen(0, ETHERNET#_UDPPROTO, socket, socket, @destIP[0])
      'Wait a moment for the socket to get established
      'Testing Socket 0's status register and display information
      PST.Str(string("Socket 0 Status Register: "))
      ETHERNET.readSPI(ETHERNET#_S0_SR, @temp0, 1)
      case temp0
        ETHERNET#_SOCK_CLOSED : PST.Str(string("00 - socket closed", PST#NL, PST#NL))
        ETHERNET#_SOCK_UDP    : PST.Str(string("22 - socket UDP open", PST#NL, PST#NL))
      if temp0 == ETHERNET#_SOCK_UDP
        PST.Str(string("Configuration succesful", PST#NL))
        PST.Str(string("Send UDP packet to IP/socket and it will be echoed", PST#NL, PST#NL))
        'Stay in this loop forever - receiving and echoing
          bytefill(@data, 0, _bytebuffersize)
          PST.Str(string("Waiting to receive...."))
          repeat until ETHERNET.rxUDP(0, @data[0])
          PST.Str(string("received and echoing...."))
          ETHERNET.txUDP(0, @data[0])
          PST.Str(string("sent", PST#NL))
          PST.Str(string("UDP opening failed, program ending"))
      return 'end of main
    PRI SetVerifyMAC(_firstOctet)
      'Set the MAC ID and display it in the terminal
      ETHERNET.WriteMACaddress(true, _firstOctet)
      PST.Str(string("  Set MAC ID........"))
      PST.hex(byte[_firstOctet + 0], 2)
      PST.hex(byte[_firstOctet + 1], 2)
      PST.hex(byte[_firstOctet + 2], 2)
      PST.hex(byte[_firstOctet + 3], 2)
      PST.hex(byte[_firstOctet + 4], 2)
      PST.hex(byte[_firstOctet + 5], 2)
      'Wait a moment
      PST.Str(string("  Verified MAC ID..."))
      PST.hex(vMAC[0], 2)
      PST.hex(vMAC[1], 2)
      PST.hex(vMAC[2], 2)
      PST.hex(vMAC[3], 2)
      PST.hex(vMAC[4], 2)
      PST.hex(vMAC[5], 2)
      return 'end of SetVerifyMAC
    PRI SetVerifyGateway(_firstOctet)
      'Set the Gatway address and display it in the terminal
      ETHERNET.WriteGatewayAddress(true, _firstOctet)
      PST.Str(string("  Set Gateway....."))
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 0])
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 1])
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 2])
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 3])
      'Wait a moment
      PST.Str(string("  Verified Gateway.."))
      return 'end of SetVerifyGateway
    PRI SetVerifySubnet(_firstOctet)
      'Set the Subnet address and display it in the terminal
      ETHERNET.WriteSubnetMask(true, _firstOctet)
      PST.Str(string("  Set Subnet......"))
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 0])
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 1])
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 2])
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 3])
      'Wait a moment
      PST.Str(string("  Verified Subnet..."))
      return 'end of SetVerifySubnet
    PRI SetVerifyIP(_firstOctet)
      'Set the IP address and display it in the terminal
      ETHERNET.WriteIPAddress(true, _firstOctet)
      PST.Str(string("  Set IP.........."))
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 0])
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 1])
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 2])
      PST.dec(byte[_firstOctet + 3])
      'Wait a moment
      PST.Str(string("  Verified IP......."))
      return 'end of SetVerifyIP
    PRI PauseMSec(Duration)
    ''  Pause execution for specified milliseconds.
    ''  This routine is based on the set clock frequency.
    ''  params:  Duration = number of milliseconds to delay                                                                                               
    ''  return:  none
      waitcnt(((clkfreq / 1_000 * Duration - 3932) #> 381) + cnt)
      return  'end of PauseMSec
  • BenjBenj Posts: 66
    edited 2011-04-26 09:03
    I just tried the W5100_UDP_Echo_Demo_SPI.spin from the repository without any alterations and get the same symptoms.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-04-26 10:24
    I'll load the your posted code when I get home from work. You might try the Indirect driver. Honestly, I have never loaded the SPI driver.
  • BenjBenj Posts: 66
    edited 2011-04-26 10:39
    I have also tried this code using the indirect driver and basically get the same result, but it lists the MAC as 01:01:01:01:01:01
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      'W5100 Interface
      W5100_DATA0 = 0
      W5100_DATA1 = 1
      W5100_DATA2 = 2
      W5100_DATA3 = 3
      W5100_DATA4 = 4
      W5100_DATA5 = 5
      W5100_DATA6 = 6
      W5100_DATA7 = 7
      W5100_ADDR0 = 8
      W5100_ADDR1 = 9
      W5100_WR    = 10
      W5100_RD    = 11
      W5100_CS    = 12
      W5100_INT   = 13
      W5100_RST   = 14
      W5100_SEN   = 15
      ' UDP port numbers for DHCP 
      DHCP_SERVER_PORT  = 67        ' from server to client
      DHCP_CLIENT_PORT  = 68        ' from client to server
      ' DHCP message OP code 
      DHCP_BOOTREPLY    = 2
      ' DHCP message type
      DHCP_DISCOVER     = 1
      DHCP_OFFER        = 2
      DHCP_REQUEST      = 3
      DHCP_DECLINE      = 4
      DHCP_ACK          = 5
      DHCP_NAK          = 6
      DHCP_RELEASE      = 7
      DHCP_INFORM       = 8
      ' MISC DHCP stuff
      DHCP_TIMEOUT        = 80_000_000 * 4  ' 4 seconds, assumes 80Mhz clkfreq
      DHCP_HTYPE10MB      = 1
      MAGIC_COOKIE_0      = $63
      MAGIC_COOKIE_1      = $82
      MAGIC_COOKIE_2      = $53
      MAGIC_COOKIE_3      = $63
      ' DHCP Options
      OPT_padOption               = 0
      OPT_subnetMask              = 1
      OPT_timerOffset             = 2
      OPT_routersOnSubnet         = 3
      OPT_timeServer              = 4
      OPT_nameServer              = 5
      OPT_dns                     = 6
      OPT_logServer               = 7
      OPT_cookieServer            = 8
      OPT_lprServer               = 9
      OPT_impressServer           = 10
      OPT_resourceLocationServer  = 11
      OPT_hostName                = 12
      OPT_bootFileSize            = 13
      OPT_meritDumpFile           = 14
      OPT_domainName              = 15
      OPT_swapServer              = 16
      OPT_rootPath                = 17
      OPT_extentionsPath          = 18
      OPT_IPforwarding            = 19
      OPT_nonLocalSourceRouting   = 20
      OPT_policyFilter            = 21
      OPT_maxDgramReasmSize       = 22
      OPT_defaultIPTTL            = 23
      OPT_pathMTUagingTimeout     = 24
      OPT_pathMTUplateauTable     = 25
      OPT_ifMTU                   = 26
      OPT_allSubnetsLocal         = 27
      OPT_broadcastAddr           = 28
      OPT_performMaskDiscovery    = 29
      OPT_maskSupplier            = 30
      OPT_performRouterDiscovery  = 31
      OPT_routerSolicitationAddr  = 32
      OPT_staticRoute             = 33
      OPT_trailerEncapsulation    = 34
      OPT_arpCacheTimeout         = 35
      OPT_ethernetEncapsulation   = 36
      OPT_tcpDefaultTTL           = 37
      OPT_tcpKeepaliveInterval    = 38
      OPT_tcpKeepaliveGarbage     = 39
      OPT_nisDomainName           = 40
      OPT_nisServers              = 41
      OPT_ntpServers              = 42
      OPT_vendorSpecificInfo      = 43
      OPT_netBIOSnameServer       = 44
      OPT_netBIOSdgramDistServer  = 45
      OPT_netBIOSnodeType         = 46
      OPT_netBIOSscope            = 47
      OPT_xFontServer             = 48
      OPT_xDisplayManager         = 49
      OPT_dhcpRequestedIPaddr     = 50
      OPT_dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime     = 51
      OPT_dhcpOptionOverload      = 52
      OPT_dhcpMessageType         = 53
      OPT_dhcpServerIdentifier    = 54
      OPT_dhcpParamRequest        = 55
      OPT_dhcpMsg                 = 56
      OPT_dhcpMaxMsgSize          = 57
      OPT_dhcpT1value             = 58
      OPT_dhcpT2value             = 59
      OPT_dhcpClassIdentifier     = 60
      OPT_dhcpClientIdentifier    = 61
      OPT_endOption               = 255
      ' offsets for UDP header
      UDP_HEADER_PORT         = 4
      UDP_HEADER_SIZE         = 8
      ' offsets for DHCP packet (UDP header is in front of this)
      DHCP_OP     = 8
      DHCP_HTYPE  = 9
      DHCP_HLEN   = 10
      DHCP_HOPS   = 11
      DHCP_XID    = 12
      DHCP_SECS   = 16
      DHCP_FLAGS  = 18
      DHCP_CIADDR = 20
      DHCP_YIADDR = 24
      DHCP_SIADDR = 28
      DHCP_GIADDR = 32
      DHCP_CHADDR = 36
      DHCP_SNAME  = 52
      DHCP_FILE   = 116
      DHCP_COOKIE = 244
      DHCP_OPT    = 248
      DHCP_END    = 556
      ' return codes
      SUCCESS               = 0
      SERVER_TIMEOUT        = 2
      SERVER_NAK            = 3
      BUFFER_SIZE = 2048
      byte MAC_Address[6]
      byte IP[4]
      byte SubnetMask[4]
      byte GatewayIP[4]
      byte  vMAC[6]
      long DHCP_LeaseTime           ' duration of lease in seconds
      byte DHCP_Server[4]
      byte DNS_Server[4]
      byte HostName[64]
      byte DomainName[64]          ' you may need to make this larger if you have a very long domain name
      byte Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]
      DEFAULT_HOST_NAME         BYTE "Spinneret", 0
      W5100 : "W5100_Indirect_Driver.spin"
      'W5100 : "W5100_SPI_Driver.spin"
      'uncomment this block to test this DHCP object by itself
      PST   : "Parallax Serial Terminal"
    PUB main
      ' sets up W5100 and initializes our variables
      MAC_Address[0] := $00
      MAC_Address[1] := $08
      MAC_Address[2] := $DC
      MAC_Address[3] := $16
      MAC_Address[4] := $F0
      MAC_Address[5] := $B3
      W5100.WriteMACaddress(true, @MAC_Address[0])
      ' delay to allow time to enable PST
      PST.Str(string("  Verified MAC ID..."))
      PST.hex(vMAC[0], 2)
      PST.hex(vMAC[1], 2)
      PST.hex(vMAC[2], 2)
      PST.hex(vMAC[3], 2)
      PST.hex(vMAC[4], 2)
      PST.hex(vMAC[5], 2)
      PST.Str(string("DHCP Demo", PST#NL, PST#NL))
      result := DoDHCP(0, $4242_4242)
      ' at this point if result == SUCCESS, then the W5100 is configured
      if result == SUCCESS
        PST.Str(string("IP         : "))
        PST.Str(string("Subnet Mask: "))
        PST.Str(string("Gateway IP : "))
        PST.Str(string("DNS Server : "))
        PST.Str(string("DHCP Server: "))
        PST.Str(string("Domain Name: "))
        PST.Str(string("Error: "))
    PUB Start  
      ' clear all our variables
      BYTEFILL(@MAC_Address[0], 0, 158)
      ' set the default host name
      ' init the Wiznet 5100 chip
      W5100.StartINDIRECT(W5100_DATA0, W5100_ADDR0, W5100_ADDR1, W5100_CS, W5100_RD, W5100_WR, W5100_RST, W5100_SEN)
    PUB Stop
    '' only call these GetXXX functions after calling DoDHCP()
    PUB GetIP(ipPtr)
      bytemove(ipPtr, @IP[0], 4)
    PUB GetGatewayIP(gatewayPtr)
      bytemove(gatewayPtr, @GatewayIP[0], 4)
    PUB GetSubnetMask(subnetPtr)
      bytemove(subnetPtr, @SubnetMask[0], 4)
    PUB GetDNSServer(dnsPtr)
      bytemove(dnsPtr, @DNS_Server[0], 4)
    PUB GetDHCPServer(dhcpPtr)
      bytemove(dhcpPtr, @DHCP_Server[0], 4)
    PUB GetDomainName
      return @DomainName[0]
    PUB GetLeaseTime
      return DHCP_LeaseTime
    '' call this function after Start, but before DoDHCP()
    PUB SetHostName(newHostName)
      bytemove(@HostName[0], newHostName, STRSIZE(newHostName))
    PUB GetHostName
      return @HostName[0]
    '' call this function after Start, but before DoDHCP()
    PUB SetMAC_Address(newMAC_Address)
      MAC_Address[0] := byte[newMAC_Address][0]
      MAC_Address[1] := byte[newMAC_Address][1]
      MAC_Address[2] := byte[newMAC_Address][2]
      MAC_Address[3] := byte[newMAC_Address][3]
      MAC_Address[4] := byte[newMAC_Address][4]
      MAC_Address[5] := byte[newMAC_Address][5]          
      W5100.WriteMACaddress(true, @MAC_Address[0])
    PUB GetMAC_Address(macPtr)
      bytemove(macPtr, @MAC_Address[0], 6)
    '' You should call SetMAC_Address() and SetHostName() before calling this.  
    PUB DoDHCP(socket, XID) | packetSize, startCnt, timeoutCnt, currentCnt, serverReply, DestinationIP[4], status 
      ' open the socket with the broadcast IP and the DHCP port
      DestinationIP[0] := 255
      DestinationIP[1] := 255
      DestinationIP[2] := 255
      DestinationIP[3] := 255
      W5100.SocketOpen(socket, W5100#_UDPPROTO, DHCP_CLIENT_PORT, DHCP_CLIENT_PORT, @DestinationIP[0])
      ' check the status of the socket
      status := ReadStatus(socket)
      if status <> W5100#_SOCK_UDP
      ' construct a DHCP Discover packet and send it, this asks DHCP servers to send us an Offer packet
      FillHeader(255,255,255,255, 67, DHCP_END-UDP_HEADER_SIZE, @Buffer[0])
      FillDiscoverPacket(XID, @Buffer[0])
      W5100.txUDP(socket, @Buffer[0])
      ' wait for a DHCP Offer reply, we just go with the first server to reply
      startCnt := CNT
      timeoutCnt := startCnt + DHCP_TIMEOUT
        packetSize := W5100.rxUDP(socket, @Buffer[0])
        if packetSize > 0
          serverReply := ParseDHCPReply(XID, DHCP_OFFER, @Buffer[0])
          case serverReply
            1: ' we got our packet
            2: ' got NAK from server
              return SERVER_NAK
        ' check for timeout, handling wrap case        
        currentCnt := CNT          
        if startCnt < timeoutCnt 
          if (currentCnt => timeoutCnt) OR (currentCnt < startCnt)
            return SERVER_TIMEOUT
          if (currentCnt => timeoutCnt) AND (currentCnt < startCnt)
            return SERVER_TIMEOUT
      ' construct a DHCP Request packet and send it, requesting to claim the offered IP
      FillHeader(255,255,255,255, 67, DHCP_END-UDP_HEADER_SIZE, @Buffer[0])
      FillRequestPacket(XID, @Buffer[0])
      W5100.txUDP(socket, @Buffer[0])
      ' wait for a DHCP Ack reply, this grants us our claim on the IP
      startCnt := CNT
      timeoutCnt := startCnt + DHCP_TIMEOUT
        packetSize := W5100.rxUDP(socket, @Buffer[0])
        if packetSize > 0
          serverReply := ParseDHCPReply(XID, DHCP_ACK, @Buffer[0])
          case serverReply
            1: ' we got our packet
            2: ' got NAK from server
              return SERVER_NAK
        ' check for timeout, handling wrap case        
        currentCnt := CNT          
        if startCnt < timeoutCnt 
          if (currentCnt => timeoutCnt) OR (currentCnt < startCnt)
            return SERVER_TIMEOUT
          if (currentCnt => timeoutCnt) AND (currentCnt < startCnt)
            return SERVER_TIMEOUT
      W5100.WriteGatewayAddress(true, @GatewayIP[0])
      W5100.WriteSubnetMask(true, @SubnetMask[0])
      W5100.WriteIPAddress(true, @IP[0])
      return SUCCESS
    PUB RenewLease(socket)
      'still to be done
      return SERVER_NAK
    PRI ReadStatus(socket) | socketStatus
      W5100.readIND((W5100#_S0_SR + (socket * $0100)), @socketStatus, 1)
      case socketStatus
        W5100#_SOCK_CLOSED : PST.Str(string("$00 - socket closed", PST#NL, PST#NL))
        W5100#_SOCK_INIT   : PST.Str(string("$13 - socket initalized", PST#NL, PST#NL))
        W5100#_SOCK_LISTEN : PST.Str(string("$14 - socket listening", PST#NL, PST#NL))
        W5100#_SOCK_ESTAB  : PST.Str(string("$17 - socket established", PST#NL, PST#NL))    
        W5100#_SOCK_UDP    : PST.Str(string("$22 - socket UDP open", PST#NL, PST#NL))
      return socketStatus
    PRI FillHeader(ip0,ip1,ip2,ip3, port, payloadSize, packetBuffer)
      byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_DESTADDR] := ip3
      byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_DESTADDR+1] := ip2
      byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_DESTADDR+2] := ip1
      byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_DESTADDR+3] := ip0
      byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_PORT] := port.byte[1]
      byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_PORT+1] := port.byte[0]
      byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_PAYLOADSIZE] := payloadSize.byte[1]
      byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_PAYLOADSIZE+1] := payloadSize.byte[0]
    PRI FillBasePacket(XID, messageType, packetBuffer) | index, optionOffset, hostNameLength
      BYTEFILL(@byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OP], 0, DHCP_END-UDP_HEADER_SIZE)
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OP] := DHCP_BOOTREQUEST
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_HTYPE] := DHCP_HTYPE10MB
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_HLEN] := DHCP_HLENETHERNET
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_XID+0] := XID.byte[3]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_XID+1] := XID.byte[2]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_XID+2] := XID.byte[1]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_XID+3] := XID.byte[0]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_FLAGS+0] := DHCP_FLAGSBROADCAST>>8                    'high-order byte8
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_FLAGS+1] := (DHCP_FLAGSBROADCAST & $00FF)             'low-order byte  
      repeat index from 0 to 5
        byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_CHADDR+index] := MAC_Address[index]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_COOKIE+0] := MAGIC_COOKIE_0
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_COOKIE+1] := MAGIC_COOKIE_1
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_COOKIE+2] := MAGIC_COOKIE_2
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_COOKIE+3] := MAGIC_COOKIE_3
      optionOffset := 0
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dhcpMessageType
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := 1
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := messageType
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dhcpClientIdentifier
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := 7
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := 1
      repeat index from 0 to 5
        byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := MAC_Address[index]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_hostName
      hostNameLength := STRSIZE(@HostName[0])
      ' force to be even, so next option after this will be word aligned (16bit)
      if (hostNameLength & 1) == 1
        hostNameLength += 1
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := hostNameLength
      repeat index from 0 to hostNameLength-1
        byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := HostName[index]
      return optionOffset
    PRI FillDiscoverPacket(XID, packetBuffer) | optionOffset
      optionOffset := FillBasePacket(XID, DHCP_DISCOVER, packetBuffer)
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dhcpParamRequest
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := 6
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_subnetMask
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_domainName
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dns
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_routersOnSubnet
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dhcpT1value
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dhcpT2value
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_endOption
    PRI FillRequestPacket(XID, packetBuffer) | optionOffset
      optionOffset := FillBasePacket(XID, DHCP_REQUEST, packetBuffer)
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dhcpRequestedIPaddr
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := 4
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := IP[0]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := IP[1]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := IP[2]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := IP[3]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dhcpServerIdentifier
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := 4
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := DHCP_Server[0]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := DHCP_Server[1]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := DHCP_Server[2]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := DHCP_Server[3]
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dhcpParamRequest
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := 8
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_subnetMask
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_routersOnSubnet
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dns
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_domainName
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dhcpT1value
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_dhcpT2value
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_performRouterDiscovery
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_staticRoute
      byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++] := OPT_endOption
    PRI ParseDHCPReply(XID, expectedType, packetBuffer) | index, optionOffset, option, optionLength, port, payloadSize
      port := (byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_PORT] * 256) + byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_PORT+1]
      payloadsize := (byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_PAYLOADSIZE] * 256) +  byte[packetBuffer][UDP_HEADER_PAYLOADSIZE+1]
      ' verify the packet is from the DHCP server and is at least of minimum size
      if port <> DHCP_SERVER_PORT OR payloadSize < DHCP_OPT
        return 0 ' this is not a DHCP packet
      ' verify that the packet is a DHCP Reply
      if byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OP] <> DHCP_BOOTREPLY
        return 0 ' this is not a DHCP Reply 
      ' verify XID match
      repeat index from 0 to 3
        if XID.byte[index] <> byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_XID+3-index]
          return 0 ' does not match, so not for us
      ' verify MAC Address match
      repeat index from 0 to 5
        if MAC_Address[index] <> byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_CHADDR+index]
          return 0 ' does not match, so not for us
      ' save the IP that is offered/claimed
      IP[0] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_YIADDR+0]
      IP[1] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_YIADDR+1]
      IP[2] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_YIADDR+2]
      IP[3] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_YIADDR+3]
      DHCP_LeaseTime := 0
      ' scan through options pulling out stuff we need
      optionOffset := 0
        option := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++]
        if option <> 0
          optionLength := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset++]
          optionLength := 0
        case option
          OPT_endOption : 
          OPT_dhcpMessageType :
            if byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset] <> expectedType
              if byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset] == DHCP_NAK
                return 2
                return 0
          OPT_subnetMask : 
            SubnetMask[0] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+0]
            SubnetMask[1] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+1]
            SubnetMask[2] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+2]
            SubnetMask[3] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+3]
          OPT_routersOnSubnet :
            GatewayIP[0] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+0]
            GatewayIP[1] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+1]
            GatewayIP[2] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+2]
            GatewayIP[3] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+3]
          OPT_dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime :
            DHCP_LeaseTime.byte[0] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+3]
            DHCP_LeaseTime.byte[1] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+2]
            DHCP_LeaseTime.byte[2] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+1]
            DHCP_LeaseTime.byte[3] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+0]
          OPT_dns :
            DNS_Server[0] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+0]
            DNS_Server[1] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+1]
            DNS_Server[2] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+2]
            DNS_Server[3] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+3]
          OPT_dhcpServerIdentifier :
            DHCP_Server[0] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+0]
            DHCP_Server[1] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+1]
            DHCP_Server[2] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+2]
            DHCP_Server[3] := byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset+3]
          OPT_domainName :
            BYTEMOVE(@DomainName[0], @byte[packetBuffer][DHCP_OPT+optionOffset], optionLength)
        optionOffset += optionLength
      return 1
    PRI PauseMSec(Duration)
    ''  Pause execution for specified milliseconds.
    ''  This routine is based on the set clock frequency.
    ''  params:  Duration = number of milliseconds to delay                                                                                               
    ''  return:  none
      waitcnt(((clkfreq / 1_000 * Duration - 3932) #> 381) + cnt)

    Also, it appears that the reset button does not work. Cycling the power reloads the code from EEPROM, but pushing the reset button does not.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-04-26 17:53
    Looks like there is something wrong with the SPI UDP demo. Use the Indirect UPD demo.
  • BenjBenj Posts: 66
    edited 2011-04-27 06:41

    I appreciate all of your suggestions, but I am still not able to get it working. I downloaded all fresh copies of W5100_Indirect_Driver.spin and W5100_UDP_Echo_Demo_indirect.spin from the code repository, and PST from OBEX. Here is the output:
        W5100 Indirect Driver Test
            UDP Packet Demo
    Initialize all addresses...
      Set MAC ID........02:00:00:01:23:45
      Verified MAC ID...E9:E9:E9:E9:E9:E9
      Set Gateway.....
      Verified Gateway..
      Set Subnet......
      Verified Subnet...
      Set IP..........
      Verified IP.......
    Initialize socket 0, port 5000
    Socket 0 Status Register: Attempting to open UDP on socket 0, port 5000...
    Socket 0 Status Register: UDP opening failed, program ending

    Using the TCP Echo Demo for indirect, it still doesn't work, but I get different numbers:
        W5100 Indirect Driver Test
             TCP Server Demo
    Initialize all addresses...
      Set MAC ID........02:00:00:01:23:45
      Verified MAC ID...E1:E1:E1:E1:E1:E1
      Set Gateway.....
      Verified Gateway..
      Set Subnet......
      Verified Subnet...
      Set IP..........
      Verified IP.......
    Socket Memory size initialized
    Initialize socket 0, port 5000
    Socket 0 Status Register: Attempting to open TCP on socket 0, port 5000...
    Socket 0 Status Register: Setting TCP on socket 0, port 5000 to listening
    Socket 0 Status Register: Waiting for a client to connect....

    I power cycle and go back to the UDP demo and get yet another set of numbers:
        W5100 Indirect Driver Test
            UDP Packet Demo
    Initialize all addresses...
      Set MAC ID........02:00:00:01:23:45
      Verified MAC ID...E9:E9:E9:E9:E9:E9
      Set Gateway.....
      Verified Gateway..
      Set Subnet......
      Verified Subnet...
      Set IP..........
      Verified IP.......
    Initialize socket 0, port 5000
    Socket 0 Status Register: Attempting to open UDP on socket 0, port 5000...
    Socket 0 Status Register: UDP opening failed, program ending
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-04-27 07:03
    Benj; you have to drop your source code (attachment) in the forum post. I have to idea what to tell you without the source.

    When I get home from work I'll post code I know works.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-04-27 08:37
    Thanks, I'll check when I get home unless someone beats me to it.

    On a side note, I have no way to determining the version of code you are running without the source. There are countless posts where folks publish code snippets. Often the problem is elsewhere. Anyway, now forum members can verify the version you have loaded.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-04-27 18:24
    Your posted UDP and TCP echo are working on my Spinneret. I guess it's possible you have a defective Spinneret, that stuff happens. But what about your power supply? You said 5V and Vss. Are you using connecting the Spinneret to some other circuit? I'm using a bench power supply 5V 3A.
  • BenjBenj Posts: 66
    edited 2011-04-28 05:25
    I was using the 5v and vss from Prop demo board. This morning I got out my bench supply and I still get the same results. Just to exhaust all possibilities, You leave the "Enable Programming" jumper in place and leave "W" and INT1/INT2 unconnected?
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-04-28 06:08
    Yes, I have the enable programming jumper in place. I don't ave anything connected to W, right now. What is INT1/INT2? Do you mean J1/J2? If so no, I have the prop plug connected to J2 (Tx, Rx, RES, VSS)
  • BenjBenj Posts: 66
    edited 2011-04-28 06:14
    No, the pins I am calling INT1 and INT2 are close to the W R B pins. The INT labels are on the bottom of the board. I believe they are alarm interrupts for the RTC.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-04-28 06:31
    Nothing connected to INT1/INT2. Contact Parallax support.
  • BenjBenj Posts: 66
    edited 2011-05-05 12:57
    Soooooo......... It goes like this:

    First of all, I don't mind admitting when I make mistakes. Don't believe me? Keep reading.

    I talked via email to Dave Andreae @ Parallax and basically said that I can't get my spinneret working and sent him a link to this thread as to the things that I had tried. He got back to me later that day and told me that he would send out another module to see if it solves the issue. The new module arrived today and I put everything else on hold to hook it up and confirm that I am a genius and my first spinneret was in fact defective. I hooked it up, download the fresh code just to be sure, sent it off, switched to the serial terminal and waited excitedly..... Awww cripes... This one doesn't work either! Perhaps they are getting damaged in shipping? Perhaps it was from a bad batch? Either way, my genius status is intact... right? I thought it would be a good idea to try the TCP code instead of UDP, just for kicks. I clicked send again and hung my head in disgust, knowing that it still wasn't going to work. This is when I happened to notice something that made my genius status head right for the recycle bin. What I noticed was some pretty twinkling lights, but not really where they should be. They were on the demo board's USB controller. It then took me about a half a second to really realize what was wrong and that I'm an idiot. I had sent the right program about 50 times to ...... you guessed it... the WRONG PROP!! Once I disconnected the USB cable for it (COM3) the prop tool was able to program the spinneret on COM4 and the lights on the prop plug were all twinkly. It didn't even occur to me before that they weren't lighting up when I sent a program or was receiving serial data.

    So, long story short is: Both spinnerets work and I'm an idiot.

    Hopefully if 100 people read this, 1 will remember it and save themselves some time and frustration at a later date, and the other 99 will get a good laugh.

  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-05-06 07:07
    Glad you you got it working. But maybe you're a genius. Do you get to keep the second Spinneret?
  • BenjBenj Posts: 66
    edited 2011-05-06 07:22
    I do, actually. I offered to pay and they said "keep it". It's not genius on my part, it's generous on their part. :)
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-05-06 11:08
    Gota' love Parallax support.
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