Project time overnight at UPEW 2011: What are you bringing?

The official one month count down to UPEW 2011 @ Parallax is about to begin!
The expo starts Saturday morning & does not close until 4pm the following day!
Parallax will remain open ALL NIGHT for Propeller projects & collaboration.
* Have you had been so busy that a Propeller project has been suffering from neglect?
* Have you had a project that has been on the todo list for far too long?
* Would your project benefit from live collaboration and help?
Bring it with you for project time during the wee hours of the morning at Parallax!
Collaboration in the forums has created some awesome projects which have benefit everyone, post up what you'll be bringing and you'll likely have several folks ready to lend a land!
What?!!?! You haven't signed up for UPEW 2011 yet??
The expo starts Saturday morning & does not close until 4pm the following day!
Parallax will remain open ALL NIGHT for Propeller projects & collaboration.
* Have you had been so busy that a Propeller project has been suffering from neglect?
* Have you had a project that has been on the todo list for far too long?
* Would your project benefit from live collaboration and help?
Bring it with you for project time during the wee hours of the morning at Parallax!
Collaboration in the forums has created some awesome projects which have benefit everyone, post up what you'll be bringing and you'll likely have several folks ready to lend a land!
What?!!?! You haven't signed up for UPEW 2011 yet??
My dual Propeller video code and Propeller gaming has been suffering from neglect due to some deadlines I'm working...
So I'll be working on both this and this..
I brought the Star Wars Force Trainer last year. Collaboration between Beau Schwabe, Stephanie Lindsay, and myself. While the concept itself wasn't a success, it was a great overnight UPEW project.
...In the video, the Infrared Receiver is configured in an analog mode with the output connected directly to the scope.
...Or I could be helping Jeff out and scrap the whole IR thing :-)
I'll also help out wherever I can...
So I will eventually be trying to fix it with a Propeller. Anyone done any TI bus code for the Prop?
BTW I'm forming a theory that the Ativa photo frame only uses about 75% of the scan line for pixels because they used the same board and timing for a larger screen product. Anybody think I should spring for their next size up frame to see? (Answer as if you'd be spending your own money plz kthx)
What do you think, OBC?
Also, I have a set of underwater thrusters that I'd like to test via their ESC over an XBee link (yes, the craft's electronics are above the waterline).
Ken Gracey
Please disconect the power source before, or at least post pics of the results afterwards, laughter may (will) result.
Most of the designs have a 1 - 100 uF that is either dried up, or the PSU is probably so completely banjaxxed that all hope should be abandoned.
Thanks Toby. I think the power supply might be a bit toasted, as it works for a while then it begins to fade. Well, I'll recruit some of the UPEW brains around here to take a look with me since I have a good ability to banjaxinate these things with pops and smokes when working alone. My analog ability is pretty much limited to dealing with people aside from using A/D converters. . .
Ken Gracey
Ken, because you are our gracious host, we'll let you bring it.
1) On this thread, I mentioned a low cost wrestling timer from some discussions with my brother who coaches high school wrestling. I spoke with him some more on Friday and phase one is a go: Make a small wrestling timer that outputs either composite or VGA video with a standard high school level wrestling scoreboard and timer. Will consist of two scores, a clock, and period marker. Should be a simple use of the VGA/TV text drivers, but the interface needs to be easy to use and the "clock" code needs to run backwards.
2) Brainstorm with others on writing a Propeller based recreation of the classic Mastermind game
3) Fix the distance portion of Abel's Handheld GPS code for my version and get the keypad working.
4) Symbol LS1220 Barcode Scan engine utilization. Microcontrolled has the foundation fro this done, but I need to resolve my needs for him/me to take it to the next step.
Looking forward to this!
Heat suit .
BS2 Cam
BS2 Thunt .
and a few other goddies
Peter ..
Thunt??? Eh, I googled it and I'm pretty sure that, well, I'm confused....
Rich H
I will be on 146.565 at parallax .
Andrew, KD6QIF