Another stepper control question
I've just started learning about stepper motors. I have a bipolar motor that I'm trying to get running for no other reason than to watch it spin and see what I can learn from it. A friend gave me a L298 and a schematic. Unfortunately I am pretty sure the schematic was meant to run two DC motors. It looks like the general way people run stepper motors with these is to buy an L297 and hook it up. I might do that but I was wondering if there is a way to run the L298 straight off the propeller? Or does that way lie madness? Has anyone done it with some code that I could poke at? I am just now trying to make my way through the L297/L298 data sheets, so maybe all my answers are there and I don't know it yet.
Thanks in advance for any help and apologize for missing vital information I might have left out or the inevitable recent post that answers all my questions that I have missed.
Thanks in advance for any help and apologize for missing vital information I might have left out or the inevitable recent post that answers all my questions that I have missed.