Help Please Setting Serial Comms on Propeller using Prop Basic..(Bean..?)
Posts: 3
Been working with BST it is great work thanx to Bean and Jonnymac..!
I need to set the Serial Comms for 9600,7,E,2 on the Propeller chip...How can this be done..?
On the BS2 chip it is so easy just a line of code....Baud = 24660 .... = ' 9600,7,e,2 -Inverted
I have dug thru all the PropBasic posting's,Object downloads, Help files no luck.....just the default
8,n,1 did i miss something?My Hope is for a Prob Basic solution ie....(Bean or
Thanks in advance to anyone that can help...I am open to any solutions prop-basic,spin or assembly ...
Using the Basic Stamp 2 it looks like this..
SEROUT 1, 24660, [65] ' baudmode set for BS2 9600,7,E,2 Inverted and transmit the A character
I need to set the Serial Comms for 9600,7,E,2 on the Propeller chip...How can this be done..?
On the BS2 chip it is so easy just a line of code....Baud = 24660 .... = ' 9600,7,e,2 -Inverted
I have dug thru all the PropBasic posting's,Object downloads, Help files no luck.....just the default
8,n,1 did i miss something?My Hope is for a Prob Basic solution ie....(Bean or
Thanks in advance to anyone that can help...I am open to any solutions prop-basic,spin or assembly ...
Using the Basic Stamp 2 it looks like this..
SEROUT 1, 24660, [65] ' baudmode set for BS2 9600,7,E,2 Inverted and transmit the A character
In PropBasic, this is even easier because you can use in-line assembly language and the hardware will compute the parity for you. If the character is stored in a cog location called "foobah", the following will add even parity:
Prop Basic CODE:
FREQ 80_000_000
BAUD CON "T9600"
TX PIN 30 HIGH ' Send data back to PC on pin 30
foobah DATA "A",13,10,0
SEROUT TX, BAUD, foobah ' Send A out pin 30
PAUSE 3000