Silly Infrared Question Time!
Happy Easter to all who observe it!
I'm interested in adding an Infrared Transciever to a project. I have my eye on an IrDA compliant device since it's small and can be enabled on demand. IrDA devices are NOT modulated.
The question is: do you think it would be possible to modulate an IrDA device TX LED at say 40KHz to control a TV or talk to Parallax IR receivers with Propeller?
The answer may be: Yes. But what would be the benefit?
IrDA is used in USB dongles, so it could be a cheap programming solution on Propeller Portable devices. If not, that's ok since IrDA can be used for device-to-device communications. If IrDA can be modulated by Propeller so that TV IR receivers understand, that's one more big benefit since it also opens possibilites for home entertainment remotes and wireless Robotic control.
Any thoughts?
I'm interested in adding an Infrared Transciever to a project. I have my eye on an IrDA compliant device since it's small and can be enabled on demand. IrDA devices are NOT modulated.
The question is: do you think it would be possible to modulate an IrDA device TX LED at say 40KHz to control a TV or talk to Parallax IR receivers with Propeller?
The answer may be: Yes. But what would be the benefit?
IrDA is used in USB dongles, so it could be a cheap programming solution on Propeller Portable devices. If not, that's ok since IrDA can be used for device-to-device communications. If IrDA can be modulated by Propeller so that TV IR receivers understand, that's one more big benefit since it also opens possibilites for home entertainment remotes and wireless Robotic control.
Any thoughts?
Can you provide a part number for your IrDA device?
Searching obex for irda returns no results.
Demodulating TV IR would be useful for "learning" a command stream and communicating at lower baud rates with other devices. Wish I had room for a through-hole IR receiver on the motherboard, but things are really tight ....
My AM receiver object demos the synchronous I/Q detection technique:
as does the Bell 202 modem:
This may be helpful (very easy stuff):
It's much easier to do with an IR receiver that does the decoding for you.
I just don't have room or power budget for one of those. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
Looks like my candidate IR transceiver is only good for a couple of feet. Guess I have no choice :<
IrDA is not modulated. It works like a UART somehow. I'm attracted to it because of broad support with hand-held devices and USB connectivity.
Unfortunately, the IrDA range is very limited, so either I find a good modulated solution, or I punt and go with what I spent the last couple of hours squeezing on my board. The chip I mentioned has a shut-down which tri-states the RX output ... very attractive for sharing P31 with FT232 or PropPlug.
Here's an app note that talks about using IrDA transceivers as a remote transmitter effectively at > 10 meters. Apparently my first choice is very low on the ladder of ability.
They do mention learning remote codes briefly. Would be nice to know more about what they mean.
There are other app notes on the vishay site.
Interesting stuff on the vishay site. This blurb shows up in the standards section: "IrDA Object Exchange Protocol OBEX(TM)"
Link specifications are here:
Does it *have* to be IrDA? If not, I wonder if you couldn't get the range you want by cranking out the current to a high output IR LED using your own encoding.