VGA Connector - Prof. Dev. Board

I have tried the pin 16-> 23 and 8->15 to V,H,B1,B0,G1,G0,R1,R0 using the VGA64 Tilemap Engine and the VGA High-Res Text Driver with pin sets referneced as per the spin files. Signal at VGA pins, no 5 volts and monitor wont pick it up. I have tested the monitor on my lap top - all ok. (Samsung Syncmaster 173V)
Any pointers would be appreciated.
The usual reason for no VGA is that the H and V syncs are the wrong way around, the H is on P13 (half way, on the bottom row) or the monitor doesn't like the frequency of one/both of them.
No joy on H vs. V pins. Have tried 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 no joy. Could it be refresh rate? Have tried:
'{' 1024 x 768 @ 57Hz settings: 128 x 64 characters
hp = 1024 'horizontal pixels
vp = 768 'vertical pixels
hf = 16 'horizontal front porch pixels
hs = 96 'horizontal sync pixels
hb = 176 'horizontal back porch pixels
vf = 1 'vertical front porch lines
vs = 3 'vertical sync lines
vb = 28 'vertical back porch lines
hn = 1 'horizontal normal sync state (0|1)
vn = 1 'vertical normal sync state (0|1)
pr = 60 'pixel rate in MHz at 80MHz system clock (5MHz granularity)
{' 800 x 600 @ 75Hz settings: 100 x 50 characters
hp = 800 'horizontal pixels
vp = 600 'vertical pixels
hf = 40 'horizontal front porch pixels
hs = 128 'horizontal sync pixels
hb = 88 'horizontal back porch pixels
vf = 1 'vertical front porch lines
vs = 4 'vertical sync lines
vb = 23 'vertical back porch lines
hn = 0 'horizontal normal sync state (0|1)
vn = 0 'vertical normal sync state (0|1)
pr = 50 'pixel rate in MHz at 80MHz system clock (5MHz granularity)
{' 640 x 480 @ 69Hz settings: 80 x 40 characters
hp = 640 'horizontal pixels
vp = 480 'vertical pixels
hf = 24 'horizontal front porch pixels
hs = 40 'horizontal sync pixels
hb = 128 'horizontal back porch pixels
vf = 9 'vertical front porch lines
vs = 3 'vertical sync lines
vb = 28 'vertical back porch lines
hn = 1 'horizontal normal sync state (0|1)
vn = 1 'vertical normal sync state (0|1)
pr = 30 'pixel rate in MHz at 80MHz system clock (5MHz granularity)
' columns and rows
''* File: GUIDemo.spin *
''* Author: Allen Marincak *
''* Copyright (c) 2009 Allen Marincak.
The keyboard and mouse seem to respond to the demo app (Caps lock, num lock etc. and mouse "lights" up)
will borrow a monitor from next door and try that as well
Back in the good old days at least the glass monitors would display something, even if it was a bunch of zig-zags.
I have:
P16 -> V
P17 -> H
P18 -> B1
P19 -> B0
P20 -> G1
P21 -> G0
P22 -> R1
P23 -> R0
P24 -> Mouse Data
P25 -> Mouse Clk
P26 -> Keyboard Data
P27 -> Keyboard Clock
5v -> PS/2 5V Rail
3.3v -> PS/2 3.3V Rail
I haven't got that version the DemoBoard you are using, I made a clone of the plain DemoBoard.
Have you tried to swap around the two sync wires? No harm will come of it.
Pins 1,2,3 are RGB _ Pin 4 is O/C _ Pins 5,6,7,8,10 are Ground (Pin 9 is O/C) _ Pins 11,12 are O/C _ Pin 13 is H Sync _ Pin 14 is V Sync _ Pin 15 is O/C
Unless I'm misinterpreting something, I have the connections as they recommend in the texts (see post #7). I have a REV A board, but I can't see how that might affect things. I have scoped the pins as connected and that shows that the sync data and RGB signals are at the connector. I am stumped as to why it does not work :-(
I have tried some unrelated code (Audio, LED, button code, and so forth) and that all seems ok.
I wish I had a CRT display to check it on ......
BTW - I am restricted to pins 14,13,1,2,3 as the connector is part of the board. 6,7,8,10,5 are GND, 4,9,11,12,15 are NC
I wonder if it makes a significant difference which way round B1 and B0 are? (and R1/0, G1/0) will try that out tomorrow both with V and H swapped and "unswapped"
V,H,B1,B0,G1,G0,R1,R0 which would map to pins 16,17,19,18,21,20,23,22
Will try this and get back to you soon
V = ~60 hz H = ~32khz 3 volt signal
RGB seems good also 3 V signal
The H and V freqs are right for VGA so the monitor should wake up
V,H,B1,B0,G1,G0,R1,R0 which would map to pins 16,17,19,18,21,20,23,22
looks like it just wont work :-(((((
Did you try a different cog - perhaps the video pll's are burned out?
Did you try a different propeller chip?
Did you hook up Vcc and Vss on both sides of the prop?
Did you put decoupling capacitors (minimum 100nF on each side of the prop between Vdd and Vss)?
1 – Make sure you have a good common (ground) connection through the cable between the prop board and the monitor. This is very important since it is the reference for all the signals. The PC and monitor are connected by a common ground via the power line. This may not be the case for the prop board.
2 – Set your PC up to output VGA. Connect the monitor(s) and cable(s) in question to your PC and see if you get an image. If so the cable and monitor are good.
3 – Scope the signals on the monitor end of the cable and note the waveform and levels for reference. Check the +5V pin!!!!
4 – Connect the known good cable without the monitor to the prop board. Scope the signals at the monitor end of the cable and compare them to the results in #3. The voltages may be higher (or lower) due to the monitor terminating resistors not being connected but the timing and wave shape should be very close. Check the +5V pin!!!!!!
Make sure the H & V sync signals low level is at or very close to 0V!!!!!
If the signals and +5V are similar for the PC and prop you should get an image from the prop.
Make sure you have a common connection between the prop Vss and the monitor ground. The wall warts generally used to power these things do not usually have a ground connection.
Both monitors and cables work on my Laptop. Scoping the output shows RGB H V are coming from the Propreller so the plls are ok. (I have a 200mhz scope :-) )
Will compare Laptop output to that of the Prop and see where that goes, will also look at the GND idea.
Many thanks for the assistance.
SMD resistor R103 did not have a solder lug at one end, hence there was no way that was gonna work anyway. So much for quality control !!!!
I must admit to being VERY peeved. I have wasted so much time on this - i don't get time on hobbies very often.
Any way- problem solved (After I get another SMD resistor to replace it and put a wire link from there to pin 13 of the VGA connector)
Overall score out of 10 - don't want to say - lets just say I am dissapointed with my Professional Development Board that I splashed out for.
Kind regards,
Whilst you did not wish for this "trial" it at least shows that this company, and forum, leaps into help (and no, I don't work for them).
Yes, MANY thanks for the assistance :-) I won't let this little glitch get in the way of a good thing.
Dave, no need mate, but thanks for the offer. I undertsand the world is far from perfect and there are always times when "stuff" happens regardless of how hard we try to avoid it.
I am a little embarassed I did not find it earlier - I am a bit rusty - Ex-Avionics Engineer.
After I have had some more time to familiarise myself with everything, I plan to spend some time with XBee Tx/Rx and the 802.15.4 spec. It looks as though the XBee 802.15.4 Starter Kit is the way to go. Will save up and get one :-)
In the mean time, I think I will stick with a text console and setup some commands to create RF output by command and design (or steal a design) a modulator and PA to suit. Eventually I want to use this setip to experiment with Tesla Coils as Plasma Speakers. I have some other ideas for an RF Sweep Generator and associated result monitoring - could be fun :-)
Again thanks for your help.
BTW - how do I change this thread to "Solved"?
If you are wanting to build a RF sweep genny then be aware that the output of the counters have a fair degree of jitter which is dependant on the number of LSB 1's (you might be thinking of using a separate chip of course)