SumoBot Stop Code
Hello everyone im back again with another problem. I'm trying to incorporate a stop code into my current sumobot program so that when qtiLF and qtiRF =1 the robot will stop much like it does in the Basic Competition Program 5.1. The name of this subroutine is Match_Over. i have added a maneuver named Stopservos and also added the NO_ROT commmand in the Pulse_Servos subroutine. The program passes the syntax check in BASIC stamp editor, but the robot does not respond in the ring. Im sure ive made a few simple mistakes in programming so please let me know.
ELSEIF qtiLF = 1 AND qti = 1 THEN ' Both? match over
GOSUB Match_Over
Then test & attach your latest code, ELSE we_GOSUB_circles