Cluso's ModBlades: A tiny modular boxed approach to propeller designs - coming soon

It's a little early to post as the pcbs have not been finalised. Most of the long leadtime parts are already in. I expect product to be ready mid-May.
Cluso's IOBlade:
There will be a family of XnBlades providing a number of expansion options to the IOBlade. This is the first expansion module.
Cluso's IOBlade:
- SMT Propeller, 64KB EEPROM, 6MHz xtal socketed
- On-board SMT SOT23 3V3 regulator (pcb requires 5V regulated)
- 5V is supplied to other modules which must regulate their own 3V3
- 5V is easily obtained from USB devices and power chargers and is often in the home/office
- Optional SMT DS1340C-33 RTC with internal xtal (hopefully - not on pcb yet)
- Header for external 1125 coin cell or capacitor (maybe room for capacitor holes?)
- 2 x 14 pin female expansion headers (horizontal) provide
- 5V, GND, P0...P11
- 5V,GND,P16...P27
- 1 x 6 pin female expansion header (horizontal) provides
- 5V,GND,P12-15
- Can be used to daisy chain to other processor module(s)
- 5V,GND,P12-15
- 1 x 6 pin male input header (horizontal) provides
- 5V,GND,-Reset,P31,P30,nc
- 4 pins are PropPlug input compatible, plus 5V
- Can be used to connect to prior daisy chain processor module(s)
- Thus can have multiple IOBlades plugged together (and RamBlade)
- 5V,GND,-Reset,P31,P30,nc
- 1 x 2 pins male header for alternative 5V,GND supply
- PCB size 30x45mm (~1.2x1.8")
- Fits Hammond Box
- 1551F (50x35x15mm 2x1.4x0.6") low profile
- 1551G (50x35x20mm 2x1.4x0.8")
- also available in translucent blue
- SMT Propeller, 64KB EEPROM, 6.25MHz xtal socketed plus 13.5MHz xtal (overclocked)
- SMT SRAM 512KB 55ns (latchless design)
- microSD socket
- On-board SMT SOT23 3V3 regulator (pcb requires 5V regulated)
- 5V can be supplied from another module in daisy chain
- 5V is easily obtained from USB devices and power chargers and is often in the home/office
- Onboard resistors for 1pin TV and 1pin PS2 Keyboard with pin header connections
- For operation in standalone mode
- 1 x 6 pin male input header (horizontal) provides
- 5V,GND,-Reset,P31,P30,nc
- 4 pins are PropPlug input compatible, plus 5V
- Can be used to connect to prior daisy chain processor module(s)
- Must be the last in the daisy chain
- 5V,GND,-Reset,P31,P30,nc
- PCB size 30x45mm (~1.2x1.8")
- Fits Hammond Box
- 1551F (50x35x15mm 2x1.4x0.6") low profile
- 1551G (50x35x20mm 2x1.4x0.8")
- also available in translucent blue
There will be a family of XnBlades providing a number of expansion options to the IOBlade. This is the first expansion module.
- Able to connect to either 1x 14 pin expansion connector of Cluso's IOBlade
- Thru hole design and provides (assumes P16..P27 for simplicity)
- P16..P23 VGA resistor circuit
- Selected by onboard jumpers
- 1 x 6 pin male header (horizontal) output GND,VS,HS,B,G,R
- Designed for space saving cable.
- Cable header and pins provided for user to make a VGA cable
- P16..P19 Expansion 1 x 6 pin female (horizontal) connector
- Selected by onboard jumpers
- P20..P23 TV resistor circuit
- Selected by onboard jumpers
- includes optional 191 ohm terminating resistor as recommended by Phil Pilgrim
- uses combined 3.5mm AV4 socket with Stereo
- as used by camcorders and Nokia phones
- Note iPhone uses a different pinout for video and gnd
- P24..P25 Stereo (Audio) circuit
- uses combined 3.5mm AV4 socket with Video
- requires the use of headphones or external amplifier
- P26..27 Keyboard or USB circuit
- A dual footprint permits either a MiniDin6 PS2 connector or a USB-A connector to be fitted
- A mouse may be substituted for the keyboard
- It is not known if USB mice still permit PS2 mode
- Many USB keyboards support PS2 mode (use the USB-A connector)
- An onboard jumper to selects pullup PS2 mode
- The onboard jumper maybe selected for pulldown
- This enables the user to experiment with real USB devices such as a Bluetooth using scanlime's driver
- P16..P23 VGA resistor circuit
- An optional 3.5mm AV4 cable with 3 RCA connectors (White, Red, Yellow) can be provided or can be purchased on eBay cheaply.
- Fits Hammond Box 1551G (50x35x20mm 2x1.4x0.8")
- Able to connect to either 1x 14 pin expansion connector of Cluso's IOBlade
- Thru hole design and provides (assumes P0..P11 for simplicity)
- Onboard 3V3 SOT23 regulator
- P0..P3 microSD circuit
- P4..P5 PS2 or USB interface
- Dual footprint for either PS2 or USB-A
- Links provided for selecting (~10K) pullup or pulldowns on both pins
- Link provided for (~1K5) pullup for USB FS (Full Speed)
- In USB mode, either host or slave can be configured by links
- For slave mode, a male-male USB cable is required
- In PS2 mode a keyboard or mouse maybe connected.
- P6..P7
- Maybe connected to the secondary port pins on the PS2 connector (if used)
- -OR-
- Maybe wired as Stereo outputs to the AV4 connector
- uses combined 3.5mm AV4 socket with Video
- requires the use of headphones or external amplifier
- P8..P11 TV resistor circuit
- includes optional 191 ohm terminating resistor as recommended by Phil Pilgrim
- uses combined 3.5mm AV4 socket with Stereo
- as used by camcorders and Nokia phones
- Note iPhone uses a different pinout for video and gnd
- P8..P11 if not used for TV video maybe output on a 6 pin header expansion.
- An optional 3.5mm AV4 cable with 3 RCA connectors (White, Red, Yellow) can be provided or can be purchased on eBay cheaply.
- Fits Hammond Box 1551G (50x35x20mm 2x1.4x0.8")
- Designed to be used for TriCopter, QuadCopter, HexaCopter and OctaCopter
- May also be used in Robotics
- Larger pcb size of 45x45mm (~1.8x1.8") fits Hammond Box 1551R
- Replaces one 1 x 14 pin connector with a 3 x 15 pin male header for connections to servos.
- Up to 14 servos can be fitted, plus a power connector
- 12 Servo positions prewired for series protection resistors
- 2 additional Servo positions can be added by wire jumpers.
- Designed for ESC drivers for TriCopters, QuadCopters, HexaCopters and OctaCopters
- Outputs for up to 8 ESC motor speed controllers
- Legends for N,E,S,W and NE,SE,SW,NW for 'Copters
- Designed for Radio Control inputs
- Inputs for Throttle,Aileron,Elevator,Rudder,Ch5,Ch6
- Legends for Throttle,Aileron,Elevator,Rudder,Ch5,Ch6
- Special Servo connector for power
- Note: 5V is not connected to the Servo connectors (center pin)
- This can be provided by soldering a jumper under the pcb if required
- Specifically, it is not desirable to connect all the ESC 5V supplies together (often called BECs)
This is the IOBlade closeup with pinouts...
Below is the Servo variant closeup showing pinputs
Below is the X1Blade which has VGA or TV + 4pin exp and stereo + PS2/USB.
Note the lower left male connector is the new VGA header format I intend using.
And this is the IOBlade again showing the connectors. The pink is the pcb outline and the green os the box outside outline. The connectors are on the underside of the pcb which makes modifying the Hammond box easier - just remove the rib on the lid at the required places.
Below will give you a beeter idea of the size.
The red box is a Hammond 1551 G Translucent Red 35mmx50x20mm (1.4x2.0x0.8" outside) and will house the new IOBlade, RamBlade II, X1Blade. The pcb is the old RamBlade and the pcb dimensions are almost exactly the same.
The connector on the left is the VGA from an LCD monitor; the connector on the right is a USB. The coin cell battery is a 2025. Now you know why I cannot fit a VGA connector onto my designs!
Below is the X0Blade
Can't wait to see the PCB's.
One suggestion/request:
If you don't have another use for it, if you feed 3v3 to the "nc" pin you would be compatible with SerPlug, 485Plug and my future ???Plugs :-)
I really like fitting standard cases.
I do have a question as it has been mentioned Stereo is better on P0-7. Can anyone clarify please??
RamBlade II will have a common set of serial pins (i.e. either P30/31 or it will be auto-switched by gates - final decision not made as I am doing timing calcs).
BTW the IOBlade will also be available as a kit of parts for those wishing to try hand-soldering the prop chip. The pads are slighty larger to help hand soldering, which is what I do anyway. Just need fine solder (I can supply), a fine tip temperature controlled iron, and solderwick, and solderflux pencil (a must!).
Actually, I'd rather 64 pins
Both X0Blade and X2Blade are designed to be plugged into the 14 pin expansion ports of the IOBlade. However, X0Blade is more likely to be on the P0 connector (P0..P11) and X2Blade on the P2 connector (P16..P27).
Nice work.