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help wirelessly controlling 3 dc motors and a solenoid — Parallax Forums

help wirelessly controlling 3 dc motors and a solenoid

ccc11223ccc11223 Posts: 10
edited 2011-04-21 21:32 in BASIC Stamp
i have the basic stamp 2 homework board, and i need to control 2 identical 7v dc motors that will run in both directions off of a 7v 700mA ac/dc converter. i also need to control a 12v dc motor that will run in both directions off of a 500mA ac/dc converter. the solenoid is also a 12v dc open frame solenoid. i will write the code for what the motors will do, but i need to be able to trigger the start of the code remotely and wirelessly. i know that the stamp board cannot power these motors with the onboard power supply, so i need help on how to provide them with the appropriate power and still allow them to be turned on with the basic stamp board. i also need help on how i could go about wirelessly activating this program. any help would be appreciated.


  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2011-04-21 19:05
    Wireless range?
  • ccc11223ccc11223 Posts: 10
    edited 2011-04-21 20:16
    not far. about 20-30 ft would be the max distance.
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2011-04-21 20:31
    For the motors you will need H bridges to allow them to be switched in direction. You should look into "motor controllers" for this. You may need a mosfet or relay for the solenoid too. You could use an xbee pair to trigger the code or maybe focused IR.
  • ccc11223ccc11223 Posts: 10
    edited 2011-04-21 21:32
    thanks. i decided to use the motor mind b controller an ir remote and a darlington array
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